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OdessitPashka 05-10-2005 03:01 PM

thanks for good feedback man smile.gif

do you have a window switch?

SuPaDuPa 05-10-2005 03:20 PM

I will have a window switch as soon as I install my smt6...its been sitting in my room for a week can use the 5th injector control as a window switch.....Im going to use it for that untill next winter when I install the tubo kit I have had for a year realy slow at geting stuff done on my car

sharkev 05-10-2005 06:56 PM

^^^^ really? do you have the nitrous in your auto tiburon and evrerything is fine after 2 year of that?..

so without a window switch you have no problems, do you think that with a WET system is the same? could be safe my car using the nitrous without the switch?

have pics to share? how did you installed it?


OdessitPashka 05-10-2005 07:30 PM

Check out Dweet's DIY, he has a really good write up.

Do you have auto or 5 sp?

sharkev 05-10-2005 08:31 PM

I have an auto, and I saw Dweet´s DIY, but I want to know more about a installing with an auto tranny.

i dont know if is safe to run without that switch. and without a auto oil cooler.


OdessitPashka 05-10-2005 08:46 PM

There is nothing different about install when you have auto tranny.

To be on a safe side I would install tranny cooler and window switch.

zoned019 05-10-2005 08:47 PM

it sounds to me like your set man, and i've discussed the take-off procedure with you, so you're good to go there.
anyway, get a 190lph fuel pump, spark plugs/wires, the wet nx kit, and the window switch (id get it just to be on the safe side, IF your tranny did slip while u were spraying this would save u from doing more damage laugh.gif)
also always fill with the highest octane fuel you can get (or just buy some octane booster stuff), and don't spray until your in 2nd gear past or at 4000rpms

OdessitPashka 05-10-2005 08:52 PM

No spraying in 1st? 4000rpms in 2nd with auto tranny is at 50 mph or so.... I think he can spray in 1st...

sharkev 05-10-2005 09:01 PM

until 4000 rpms of 2nd??.. no first?

why? i think that is maybe too late, but not sure, that is the safest way??? hope not. lol

hamhead 05-10-2005 09:13 PM

If your going to spray first, you will need a window switch. Also, be prepared to wear down your drivetrain a lot faster. Although not as bad as spraying first with a manual, the sudden shock of a nitrous shot on top of first gear torque multiplication would really wear down parts.

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