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DTN 09-22-2006 04:43 PM

Dude.. the army isn't all about killing. You can be a medical equipment repairer. You can even be a conciencious objector where they'll never put you near a combat zone. There's alot of jobs in the army that require you to not kill anyone.

My job you can be broken down and not kill anyone.. As long as you like figuring out how things work and fixing them. The world of medical equipment is much bigger then cars.

also, when i get out, i'm pretty much gauranteed a $60-$100K/year job

Mad-Machine 09-22-2006 06:32 PM

I doubt Pandy would pass a physical the way his body is beaten up.. and the questions about his past health would almost guarentee he would not be allowed in.

So, post up what you do.. maybe we can help!

purpletib 09-22-2006 09:35 PM

It sounds to me like she has you wrapped around her finger and if you don't treat her like a goddess she walks on you. It basically sounds to me like you are better off without her. HOWEVER, if you are decided that you will not give up on her, and it is a good argument that you can stay with anyone in a lifelong relationship if you know how to work around your differences, then here is my advise considering I have been through a divorce that ripped me apart. I actually was to a point where I could have had her back, but at the time decided that I didn't want to mend things because of how much I had been hurt and the fact that she was now pregnant by the guy she walked out on me for.

If she refuses to communicate on an emotional level with you, then you need to learn how to get past that obstacle to work things out. You need to start reading self-help and self-improvement books. Yes, this sounds ridiculous, but trust me you will be amazed at what you can learn about communicating with a spouse if you read the right things.

MUST READS: "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman; "Personality Plus" by Florence W. Littauer; "Love is a Decision" by Gary Smalley; and "Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, the Respect He Desperately Needs" By Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. This will help the relationship end of things.

NOW to get her back: "When Your Lover Leaves You: Six Stages to Recovery and Growth" by: Richard G Whiteside, Frances E Steinberg and "How to Get Your Lover Back: Successful Strategies for Starting Over (& Making It Better Than It Was Before)" by: Blase Harris.

You would be amazed at how much your perceptions will change about communicating in a relationship and how much you will learn about yourself if you read these books. If you actually commit to them and learn from them, trust me... You will win her back and have a better relationship than you ever have before. If you made it work for eight years, there is no reason it can't last a lifetime.

A lot of you migh mock me about this, but don't knock it until you've read at least some of this stuff.

pandy 09-22-2006 09:51 PM

Art, I'm basically a computer tech/engineer with 16 years of experience in the working enviroment and 90% of my life on computers.

I know basic electronics and have an amazing telephone manner.

I also know ALOT about A/V including pro gear/rack setups and home audio. I worked in a speaker house for about 2 years which was basically the finest the UK has to offer, reference speakers for the british broadcasting company, so I know an awful lot about sound science too.

Im very intelligent, and, an under achiever.. I am the kind of person who is happy just to be breathing, though I can really push hard and am VERY loyal.

I phoned my wife today, no answer.. left a message saying we needed to talk about what is going to happen to all the stuff here, also sent an email, no reply.

I phoned her mothers but she is out, shes been out with her friends as depicted on her myspace.

Running away from her problems as usual. Im going to try for one more week to make contact and get this sorted before I leave or I have no choice but to sell it all and then give her half the money.

HyundaiKitCoupe 09-22-2006 10:20 PM

Pandy, don't listen to anything the brother-in-law has to say. You're the one who made it work. I'm really sorry to hear all of this, but it sounds as if she's not making any effort. and if she's not making any effort she's not fully independant and she will definitely bring you trouble. those kind of people are low class and will end up suing you or allemony.

I really hate to say it, but go with your gut.

if you want my opinion, this is unrepairable. if i were you i'd cut the string short and start a new life. pickup a condo like Viper966.

you really ought to sit and think about everything, plan everything out before you do or say anything. it could change your life. you might want to consider what you would lose and what you would gain. i think you're too nice a person for this crazy woman. give it some time, relax, and don't lose sleep over it.

good luck, and i hope everything works out the way it should.

you should work for the radio, or a major company executing electronic engineering. you'd be surprised how far you would be able to get with a prepared resume and some job interviews.

Mad-Machine 09-23-2006 12:27 AM

With that kind of tech experience.. I might be able to get you into one of the casinos I work at as an IT guy.. what kind of certifications do you have?

If you do not want to do that.. Harrahs Casino just opened up "chester downs" in Chester PA.. a 5/8s mile horse racing track. VERY nice place. I know for a fact they do not have any sort of A/V people working there yet.

pandy 09-23-2006 02:50 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (DrivingTibNaked @ Sep 22 2006, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Dude.. the army isn't all about killing.</div>

Armies are there to go to war when the need arises.

Sadly 99% of war isnt necessary, kinda like the war in Iraq and the one in Afghanistan and so on.

Those could have all been solved with better policies.

Remember, those are my opinions, also it is within my opinion that all wars.. ALL WARS are caused by 2 things.

Money and wealth and religion.

Sadly even to 'protect' oneself in war involves lots of killing.. you might not have blood directly on your hands but you are playing a part in it.

I would rather die than be involved in any war, because I hate politicians (all of them Im not biased) and youre usually proving their point or doing their bidding.

Human beings are dying right now, and for what? is anything getting better? are we getting anywhere? no.

Good every day people like you and me who work hard, eat macdonalds and enjoy our lives are having to die for what? nothing.

There is no end goal, no end in sight and day by day more Americans and god knows who else are having to die.

The bible (Im not religious either) says "Thou shalt not kill" or something to that effect.. Yet it's ok to kill in a war and, after giving a war speach say "God bless America" Sorry.

I just dont agree with it on a broad spectrum, so to support it in any way is wrong to me.

I suppor my legs and they support my fat ass, and with those I go to work and pay my taxes and support the country I live in, but I dont condone, support or endorse ANY kind of killing.

DTN 09-23-2006 06:53 AM

^^ well, in most army jobs you need to qualify with a riffle every 6 months. i qualify every 2 years. I don't go to the field. i just have some army gear they assigned me for parades. All jobs in the army are not the same. I wake up, do PT, fix stuff, go home. 7-4:30 M-F.

pandy 09-23-2006 09:03 AM

I dont hate on people if they want to do it, in essence it's a good life and makes you discipined, there is nothing wrong with that.

It's just totally against everything I believe in, as are guns.

Im a fundamental kind of person, and guns were fundamentally designed for one reason, to kill.

If you ever met me you would think Im a violent kind of person.. Im not, it's actually that Im very passionate about what I agree with and disagree with.. I like to fight for the rights of others and get everyone a fair go.

I like to sleep at night smile.gif

xxxmonoxidechild 09-23-2006 09:28 AM

i wont get into details, but just keep your head high man, it can allways get worse. thats what ive been telling myself all this month. theres high points, and low points to life, were still very young, and this just happens to be a low point.

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