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javageek 07-20-2005 11:51 AM

I've been meaning to start this thread for awhile now. I have some things that just bug me and have no one to tell, so I wanted to see what bugs you. I may have to post some more because some have slipped my mind.

ATM Machines at gas stations - I cannot stand how when you get money out of these they typically play the tune "Your in the Money". Like you won the lottery or a slot machine or something. Besides that, it sends a message to the entire store "This guy just took out money, let's jump him!".

Bull Balls - Those ones that people buy and hang from their bumper. To me it is just tacky to have those there. They have now been banned from being displayed on Air Force bases, so an idiot around here wrapped a wal-mart bag around his. I guess he removes it when he get's off base...

Need to list more later, I am drawing a blank....

faithofadragon 07-20-2005 11:53 AM

what bugs me?

people calling my work and asking me to check recalls...........on there dodge

i work for nissan

look in the dam phone book tough guy!!

mb1604 07-20-2005 12:02 PM

at work when i build an end display and people take from the bottom supports and not from the top mad.gif wtf ppl, we put extra on top for you to take from

supercow 07-20-2005 12:32 PM

lol java, ours is slightly similiar. at national city they recently switched from the pad that was hard to reach in the drive through to now their is a touch screen which is impossible to use with out pulling up as close as you can and opening the door abit. why they heck couldn't they have just kept the keypad??

edit: oh and the bull balls things is pretty retarded too, it's like saying hey, look at me, i'm a redneck! or what about those people who put like 10 of those magnetic ribbons on their cars? like they are trying to prove how patriotic they are!

auburnfan 07-20-2005 12:38 PM

The person that you are behind in the left hand turning lane relizes that the arrow has been green and turns in time for you to get the red light. Happens to me every freakin day.

Mad-Machine 07-20-2005 12:42 PM

I have to say I have never been assaulted by either singing ATMs or bullballs on any cars around here. My biggest beef with people, at least while driving, stems from two things people do that are a serious safety hazard.

One is music so loud I cannot hear the stereo in my own car.. thank you very much, I hope you enjoy hearing while you can. Those hearing aids will look good on you when you are 30.

The other is aimed mostly at Pennsylvania drivers. I lived there, I know they have this one bad habit.. they like to stop at the ends of an onramp and check to make sure nothing is coming.

This is not aimed at ALL PA drivers.. just that minority that is a real safety issue. Coming from NJ where going with the traffic flow is important.. and you need to be up to the speedlimit by the time you hit traffic.. I have almost rear ended several people who did this.

There is nothing more annoying to be accelerating, glance over your shoulder for traffic, seeing none, and then looking ahead again (takes two seconds tops) and finding out that the car ahead of you has stopped to look while you have accelerated to 70mph....

draguntib 07-20-2005 12:57 PM

The one thing that really bugs the hell outta me is when ppl call into my work and think they know everything. I work in tech support fixing computers and such and these ppl will call in and say they have done EVERYTHING under the sun to fix it and nothing works so they want a new one or demand someone to come to thier house to fix it. 9 times outta 10 all i have to do is reboot the machine and it works fine. Maybe reinstall some software and they wont listen to me cuz they feel they are TOO IMPORTANT (ie. Lawyer Doctor etc...) to sit on the phone. Those types of ppl erk my nerves more than anything.

javageek 07-20-2005 01:07 PM

^^ I used to get that when I was working at Best Buy. Along the same lines, I hate it when people have a little computer experience and act like they are all that. I recently attended a seminar at the local university where they try to get you to attend the MCSE classes. The classes are fine, but they take alot of time and only guarantee you pass the first two tests. There was a guy in there that has been working with computers for four years and I knew he was going to be a problem for anyone that signed onto the class. I have a freind that is in the class with that guy and he said the first day while the instructor was teaching that moron was going into remote management and rebooting peoples computers along with other deviant things we did in junior high computer classes.

RedShark 07-20-2005 01:08 PM

<span style="color:blue">well right about now i'd have to say my number 1 annoyance is that someone gave out my cell phone number as a real estate number or something because like 2-3 times a day i get calls on my cell phone about people wanting to see a house. lmao.gif mad.gif </span>

auburnfan 07-20-2005 03:32 PM

I too work in a inbound tech support center. One that drives me batty and sad to say is that I have had people actually think that the CD draw is a coffee cup holder!!!!!!!!!!

JonGTR 07-20-2005 03:59 PM

Everyday annoyance since Jan. 18th = Speed-Factor tired.gif

01tibby 07-20-2005 03:59 PM

my everyday annoyance is pretty much my ENTIRE DAMN DAY!!!

my life's kinda pissing me off right now. i actually have the next 4 days off though. it would have been longer, but the store manager's wife decided to pop out a kid 1.5 months early just to screw me out of a week+ of hard-earned vacation time. this weekend will be the first saturday i havent worked in a full year.

Sparticus 07-20-2005 04:51 PM

being forced to pass someone in the RIGHT lane cuz someone won't PUSH OVER

(edited cuz i'm an idiot and said Left lane the first time)

crying babies in public places

in walmart only wanting to buy a stick of Deoderant... and every register is full, including the express lane cuz some tool brought a carriage full of crap in there

Canada Post Office for not updating the package i'm tracking since July 8th... i think they lost it or somethin. grrrrrr

thats it for now

javageek 07-20-2005 04:56 PM

Uhmmm.... How about when you have flaming diarrhea and someone is sitting in the stall reading the morning paper. I have had that happen.

REDZMAN 07-20-2005 04:57 PM

Belive it or not, one of my BIGGEST annoyances is...

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (javageek @ Jul 20 2005, 11:51 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>ATM Machines<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>

ATM = Automated Teller Machine.

ATM Machine = Automated Teller Machine Machine


fing02.gif drillsergeant.gif

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (JonGTR @ Jul 20 2005, 03:59 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Everyday annoyance since Jan. 18th = Speed-Factor tired.gif
<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>

lmao.gif lmao.gif lmao.gif lmao.gif lmao.gif owned.gif

javageek 07-20-2005 05:00 PM

Constant PM's or IM's that go something like this...

Update my Site!
Can we get a better camo skin?
Get rid of the post icons!
The smileys need to be fixed!


01tibby 07-20-2005 05:06 PM

obviously what we need are less topics like this, more updating. fing02.gif

also an extra assistant admin who isnt computer dumb. owned.gif

REDZMAN 07-20-2005 05:38 PM


Hey, the old site was easier for ME to work with, this one has lots of hidden stuff that you have to do via PHP and Html, which I don't know nor have access to.

What we need is someone that works with LED's and doesn't burn em out.


JonGTR 07-20-2005 06:08 PM

People who buy turbo kits because they're now getting cheap. Then they try to install it themselves without any knowledge of a turbo system. Or then they'll run it without being tuned and wonder why the f-in car blows up.


Oh, and how about waiting for a response on the intarweb because you think everyone else in on just as often as you are.

Whiplash 07-20-2005 07:12 PM

Right now what Im hating the most would have to be the humidity. My car doesnt have air conditioning, and my passenger window is broken (stuck in the up position).

Also I met the most beautiful girl in Cuba last week, but she lives 4hrs away from me...

Mad_john 07-20-2005 07:25 PM

lazy people, you know when you bust your ass working and the other people just watch or give some bullshit excuse to go do something else that does not need to be done till later blowup.gif blowup.gif blowup.gif

01tibby 07-20-2005 07:59 PM

pfff...I dont burn them out.

uncle fester and his electric hands keep zappin' em. idea.gif


fonseca 07-20-2005 08:14 PM

Burning out LEDs rocks! Especially after paying too much for them and having to remove the dash to install them!!!! Resistor? Who needs 'em. wink1.gif

People merging onto a road where the merge lane does not end and is clearly marked as such, and yet they come to a stop and start looking out the window waiting for a chance to get into that lane. I get stuck behind someone several times a week who does that. I always give 'em the horn.

Slow people in the passing lane. Who never get over.

People who drive slowly, under the speed limit even, when there's only one lane, but as soon as it turns into two and everyone finally has a chance to get by, that person floors it and starts going 10mph over. It's like they have to dominate the road or something. Makes me wish I had some military grade hardware, I'd give them a little love.

"Friends" who constantly try to take advantage of me. Example: I just spent several days building up someone's bike from parts, and he acted shocked and then pissed when I said $75, and didn't pay. A professional mechanic would have laughed at even double that, and wouldn't have been anywhere near as thorough. That charge was only enough to feel like I wasn't being completely used.

Buyers on ebay who abuse the "Ask seller a question" form. Along those lines, sore losers who do the same after being outbid.

CyberShark 07-20-2005 08:18 PM

Things that annoy me:

1) old people who drive

2) old people who are in the check out line in front of me

3) people who are in a hurry to cut in front of you and then they drive very slow.

4)city workers who are in no hurry and drive in front of you very slow.

5) people who slow down for green lights

6) my neighbors when they're outside talking late at night

8) ladies at work who take a shit in the bathroom across my office

Hobgoblin 07-20-2005 08:31 PM

I absolutely abhor when people smack their lips when they eat!!! mad.gif
I also really cant stand when people drive 40 when the speed limit is 60, and the base here has made it against the law for us to pass unless they are going 30... then these people call the "hot line" from base and report you for passing them. grumble.gif madfawk.gif

javageek 07-20-2005 08:38 PM

I am with you hob, I have a co-worker who not only smacks his lips, but he grinds his teeth on every bite as well. I know it may not be his fault but if you know you do it, eat at home!

Mad-Machine 07-20-2005 08:39 PM

I was just reminded of an annoyance I have. I keep getting text "Spam" on my phone.. usually telling me that I won something and to call a 900 number to accept

01tibby 07-20-2005 09:01 PM

ah yes, old people not being able to pick up their damn FEET when they walk!!!!

the shuffling of their feet is going to drive me to death, i swear.

OdessitPashka 07-20-2005 11:09 PM

One word: TRAFFIC!!!

I hate driving in traffic. There is no f*cking reason for everyone to slow the f**k down! Get off your damn cellphones and drive at least the speed limit! Don't slow down to look at the accident on the opposite side of the highway!

I feel a little better now. I wish, I could say all of that to the f*&king slow mofos on the road!

2kShark 07-20-2005 11:37 PM

^^ Hehe.. so true muh man..

Current annoyances are still not having headers! mad.gif

I love people who'll be in the fast lane and will proceed to cut two-three lanes without their turn signal on. These people are so f-ing COOL! cool.gif If you're trying to commit suicide, please DON'T do it on the roadways. Kthx.

Lizgiggles 07-21-2005 12:11 AM

drillsergeant.gif mad.gif

Things that annoy me are when you are at work and on the phone and the annoying coworker comes over to tell you something. When they realize you are on the phone instead of walking back to their desk to wait they hoover until you are done.......

Or the same annoying coworker jumping in on every conversation you have just to feel important.....

I think that is it for now.

drillsergeant.gif mad.gif

REDZMAN 07-21-2005 12:25 AM

She said Hoover.

haha.gif hail.gif fing02.gif drillsergeant.gif lmao.gif joke.gif

Love you hon.

CyberShark 07-21-2005 09:17 AM

Oh, another thing that annoys me is when fat people tell me I'm too skinny. I tell 'em it's better to be thin then the other way around wink1.gif

Solo-Baric 07-21-2005 10:21 AM

man i have so many things that piss me off here it's not even funny. i hate only being able to go get food 10-6. I hate going to work and sitting on my ass for 12 hrs because we never get jets or when we do and it's my day off getting called in for training. I hate the damn bx. why do you sale garage door openers, no 110 anything, and rideing lawn mowers? oh that's right the pork and cheese run it so they get what they need not what i need. I hate that i can't find shorts or jeans in a size 34 it's not my fault all the locals are fat and wear 40+. i hate the roads here. they think it's cheaper to put patches on patches the repave the damn road. they only do this to roads americans drive on daily. the reason the inspections on cars are so stupid they think they can get more money out of us. They once failed a 2005 sentra for it's suspinsion. the damn car is new! I hate that they think we owe them something because we make more the 2 dollars and hour. i hate the price of taxi's. they charge me 20 euro and portugeese 5 euro. I hate they way the chain smoke. i'm going to get lung cancer because you go to eat you'll have 20+ portugeese chain smoking. i hate they don't have do due FOD checks or obey the red lines. I hate that they chaged it from FOD to FOE. I hate all the damn combat programs are made by a person that has never flown into combat. I really hate the damn combat wingman. I hate doc folgeson. he needs to pluck his eye brows. i better quit now. but i can go on. Just never ever come to lajes.

homey14h 07-21-2005 10:23 AM

there was a lot of anger in that post^^^

Pudge 07-21-2005 11:04 AM

I think Mad was talking about the drivers in PA? That's bothering me a lot right now for some reason... YOU would be at fault for hitting them, not the dumbass who parks it on an onramp! That'd be so scary because you have to look for traffic to merge, then wham!!!

People who slow down for green lights, people who don't use the turn lane and hold up a lane of traffic, people who think they're always right and that everyone else is incapable, people who drive under the speed limit, people who think the world owes them something, people who put slashes after things on internet forums and think they're clever (ok it's mostly on that it bothers me).

/That's all i got. (hehe)

SwiftTiburon 07-21-2005 12:38 PM

Since I've been here in NY I havent had many annoyances but I know once I go back down to NJ, the fun will begin.

Things that annoy me the most in NJ:

1. impatient drivers

-I am in the middle lane sometimes going up to 80mph and some jerk off sits on my bumper thinking I am going to move over when he's the one who should move over. Or if I'm at a light and it turns green..god forbid I wait more then 1 second to go.

2. Granny drivers (in general not only in nj)

-Last week I was pulling into the supermarket parking lot to find a spot..this grandma sits her car almost in the middle of the lot with a blinker on. I was like you gotta be kidding me..I beep at her and she tells me to pass her. Wtf?? it seems like they want to get away with everything.

3. Honda ricers

-They are everywhere. Here a Honda, there a Honda. (!!!!!!!) Revving their engines like their fast and the majority of them arent. Damn, it bothers me.

4. Hyundai haters

-There are a lot of them here. When I got my Tib most of the people I knew said "eww you got a hyundai? how could you stoop so low?" wtf? I admit I didnt like my tib earlier cause of the probs but now I love it and hearing comments like that and "hyundais suck and are slow" pisses me off. Especially coming from people who dont know squat about cars.

5. Old, horny, men.

-Also seem like their everywhere. If I dress even decently and walk down the street in my city, I hear a honk or something. It's kind of embaressing and not to mention annoying. Young guys dont do this either, its just the old, ugly, men. Ew. It happens sometimes while I am driving too..I have my window open and I hear some comment or a honk. Geez. Thats why I am considering darkening my tints in the front and also getting out of nj. tongue.gif

Pheww Im done..what a good thread. smile.gif

Sparticus 07-21-2005 01:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CyberShark @ Jul 20 2005, 10:18 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Things that annoy me:

1) old people who drive

2) old people who are in the check out line in front of me
<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>
But Cyber... you're old. does that mean you hate yourself tongue.gif


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (REDZMAN @ Jul 21 2005, 02:25 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>^^^
She said Hoover.

haha.gif hail.gif fing02.gif drillsergeant.gif lmao.gif joke.gif

Love you hon.
<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>
talk about offtopic.gif ... You're banned

and here's my opinion on "stopping" on an on-ramp trying to merge on a highway... there IS a Yield sign on virtually all on ramps... meaning you can proceed if it is ok to do so. it is NOT ok to just GO. THAT pisses me off. i can't stand being forced to slow down because some Tool runs a Yield sign. (the highway i use daily is only 2 lanes). Follow the goddamn street signs!! grrrrrr

tibwrcsbj 07-21-2005 03:13 PM

Things that REALLY piss me off on a daily basis :

H.O.V. (High Occupancy Vehicle) Violaters. This includes "outside of thier juristiction" cops.

98% of the drivers in the DC metro area. Why? because they either drive WAY too fast or are doing 20 miles under the speed limit.... in the middle of rush hour being passed on BOTH sides, while talking on thier cell phones, completely oblivious to the world around them.

ok, now on to the important stuff :

Empty keg at work......

haha.gif burp.gif

BrakeRP 07-21-2005 04:03 PM

Everyday I hate sitting on the front step, looking at my tib, and not being able to drive it because its missing something.

Everyday I hate not having fenders to put on it, that I've been waiting for forever.

Everyday I hate going to the gym and walking up to a piece of equipment and its soked in sweat, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES YOU FILTHY LARDS

Everyday I hate opening those college books that are 500+ pages apiece

Everyday I hate to read

Everyday I hate getting bills but no letters except for the ones from the credit collectors.

Everyday I hate that dog my neighbor has that wants to bark whenever its dark, but not when its light when I'm awake instead of sleeping or trying to.

And lately.....

Everyday I miss my team that I left when I seperated out of the service last month, who'd thought I miss my team, combat, and Iraqi/Afghani kids that much. To the brothers in the 5th, 10th SFG (A), 1/75 RNG, and brother JTACs. Miss all of u ~Quiet Professionals~ I use to be with. NOW HURRY UP AND SEND ME MONEY SO I CAN OPEN THIS BAR/GRILL!!!!

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