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Tibby Pimpin 02-15-2003 04:07 AM

my car still hiccups,PLEASE HELP!!!!(got it fixed)Thanks
OK ,now I have looked the form over and did about all I could do to it to fix it so any help would be great.I have put a coil pack,spark plugs and the wires whent bad about a year and a half a go.It does the same thing everyone else does,I let off the clutch to take off a little fast and it stutters and spits and boom thin I go and then if I down shift in to second and take off at low rpms it does the same thing and I noticed that last night that if I was in 5 gear and stabed on it,it jurked and then whent,so please some one help me!!!!

[ February 17, 2003, 09:21 PM: Message edited by: Tibby Pimpin ]

Shadohh 02-15-2003 11:03 PM

Could you try and explain your problem again? I really have no clue what you are saying is wrong with your car.

Tibby Pimpin 02-16-2003 08:03 AM

OK say I am sitting at the stop light and I take off,I let off of the clutch and and I give it lets say around 2000 to 3000 RPM it kinda jurks and sputters and then takes off like a miss fire or something and is fine till I change gears and it does it in second if I dont baby it and give it little gas,I think the next thing to to is buy new spark plugs wires cuz it was like a year and a half when the last ones whent bad.Like I sad I have changed the fuel filter,coil pack,spark plugs,so I guess it is the the wires next in line,I have even tried the water in the gas tank stuff and it did not help,it sucks cuz I just got my OBX cat back on and cant use it yet,OH I have nitrous on it to,would that have any thing to do with it,I have only run like a bottle and a half,due to it getting cold and I have no bottle wormer.I hope that helps cuz in like a month I am going to panamal for spring break.

Random 02-16-2003 09:38 AM

Just wondering, since it always happens when you shift, are you SURE it is the engine, and not the clutch/drivetrain related?

Can you reproduce it without shifting? (By lifting your foot off the accelerator and putting it back down)

Tibby Pimpin 02-16-2003 09:56 AM

it is not the clutch,the reason I say that is cuz when I put my new coil pack on and I was under the hood,I used the TB and gave it gas and to my dissapointment it still had the stutter in the a year and a half ago I had to replace the spark plug wires,cuz one of them was arking inside where the boot ataches to the plug,it looked like a crack in it and I could see a blue spark so I new then what was the problem,and this time I could see inbetween the two coil packs and I could see them arking to the block so I thought that,that was the problem,but it was not,but I think that I need it anyway.

AzNxSandMan 02-16-2003 10:19 AM

Random, what Tibby Pimpin is describing is almost identical to what was happening to me.
It can sometimes be reproduced by having it in second gear and rolling at about 10-20mph with your foot off the gas. Then press it down bought halfway or more. It'll start to pick up then suddenly take a nose dive like someone got on the brake for a second then back on the gas.
Still haven't found the problem. Waiting till it gets warmer to till I do anything else.

lantraluvr 02-16-2003 10:27 PM

I don't know... Maybe the ECU?

Shadohh 02-17-2003 02:30 AM

I would do a compression test.

When you replaced your wires? did you replace them with new stock ones?

If you are accelerating and it stumbles. I would think that sounds like a fuel cut.

Do you revs shoot up when it stumbles? If thats the case you could have a badly scorched flywheel. And the clutch is unable to grip it properly.

Random 02-17-2003 03:10 AM

If it happens in neutural...then it's got to be spark or fuel.

You've pretty much ruled out fuel, and the only thing left in the spark department is plug wires.

Shadohh recently got rid of some of his problems with a set of Magnacore plug wires.

Shadohh 02-17-2003 07:55 AM

I had stockys.

I had OEM replacements called WELLS

I tried ACCEL universal wires 7mm

Then I got the magnecors and all my problems went away.

I got them off hp store. Got them in 3 days.
$98 shipped
I picked $5 ground ups.

Tibby Pimpin 02-17-2003 02:19 PM

yea I bought new wires random like a year and a half ago,so I thought that it would not be that but I whent to wal-mart and bought a cheep pair and to my surprise it quit so I took them back and got my money back and now to order a good set,thank u all for your input on it.I love this place!!!!!!!!

SilverShark1 02-17-2003 09:01 PM

I have the same problem. Where did you get the Magnecores? thanks

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