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The Human Condition As Observed By Me

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Old 01-31-2012, 09:09 PM
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While I generally disagree with any long term use of mood altering drugs, I do need to take one for the rest of my life - It's actually a chemical substitute - My thyroid burnt out a few years ago and caused negative, reactive behaviour.

Albeit, I have tried many drugs (nothing injectable though) and I like to drink more than occasionally, I believe your outlook on life shapes how you see the world.

I am Catholic, practicing. While I do not take the Bible literally, I am more than smart and aware enough to know that it is written by man AFTER Jesus' death, and by broken telephone and omission we have arrived at present day. I believe it to be an excellent guide, if not open to interpretation. I also know I make mistakes, so I am not (usually) judgmental because of that.

However, It's funny how you attack religion being created for control of people, and then act surprised that your own government does the same. Really? This isn't supposed to be a dichotomy. Even communism has good roots, it's just that base humans interfere with it and create some interpretation of it and force it onto others. Same as Catholicsim, (or any other organized religion) same as Marxism, same as Democracy. It has been happening since man was able to create the most primitive of societies, and will continue to happen, and proliferate so long as there is an opposing structure, ideal, moral, or other enemy that can be concentrated on so as to distract the proletariat from crippling shortcomings from within.

Why do you think America is always at war, even with fictive undertakings? The war on Drugs? The war on Terror? Some primitives even fight against choices, like abortion or being gay... Which is ironic since they want to give rights to something that isn't even partially formed, yet strip away rights from human beings for an arbitrary choice or lifestyle... Anyways, we all live in the same world, one in which objectivisim is shaped entirely by peers, in a sense being subjective to itself - Either way, I view the world as a fundamentally good place, just with people that have been either willfully or by chain of events detached from the truth and have not had the opportunity to form their own awareness and opinion (usually substituted for them).

"If you all (all people of all faiths) would just chill out, there wouldn't be nearly as many conflicts. "I think..." should precede most of what you say about the way things are. Because like it or not, you don't know. You're just convinced of a certain set of "facts".

Like it or not, "facts" (In this term applied to science, without a religious connotation) are just as fickle and change hands often enough - Applying the Heisenberg Principle to "facts" show us that they are subsets of a network of constant ally change - The actors who portray "facts" are unstable, and attempting to observe them either changes their Modus Operandi, or blurs the scope of the "fact".

Clinging to "facts" (either by rigid faith, or by haughty faith in humanity's own observations) is just ignorant.

Some have it imposed that money is the key, some overtly practice their religion, others worship stronger humans - Our values are being stripped away, that much I agree with, and replaced with debased alternatives and volountary stupidity.

What can we do? Remember our history, instead of substituting it with superfluous garbage and a useless race for the next best thing - Creating compassion instead of competition, fostering cooperation instead of a race to the bottom. Promoting intelligence and creativity, instead of purposeful morose behaviour that is mindlessly repeated by peers... Playing a f*cking RPG yourself instead of looking on line for a walkthough! Otherwise, what's the bloody point?

I can see that in a few generations, if things continue as they are, we will indeed either be stricken with a revolution, or worse, voluntarily take up the chains of stupidity and plow on into the unknown (what was previously known - unfortunately) only to awake in a totalitarian state, in which one is so conditioned, so devoid of feeling and too stupid to draw their own conclusions. It will be so gradual that we won't even know otherwise; it would have always been that way!

It's funny that all previous generations say the same thing, but really, the phenomena cannot be measured, only taken advantage of and manipulated. That's why we need a strong base of idiots!

Despite that, I still choose to surround myself with positive, intelligent people - What else can you do? Put down the remote, the video game...Read, study, increase your understanding of yourself, other people, learn to love, have faith (in something, even yourself!)

For me, Yoga helps, a good relationship with God and your family is also essential, but to be at peace and understand yourself, that I find is the most important - You can of course become complacent and wait for the answer, but what you get will likely not be what you are looking for:

I don't put all my eggs in one basket

You choose your life. But you gotta keep making choices yourself... Or else, no need for a zombie apocalypse to happen, you're already in one!

The minute you stop critical thinking, you die.

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