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Alex01tib 07-17-2007 12:06 AM

Ive done it so many times i have a system that doesnt require any change in height in the motor, cherry pickers, or tranny jacks.

Its hard to explain in text and you may not feel right with a 95lb tranny sitting on em but hey, try it if you feel comfortable with it, and as a side note both people doing this should have some meat on their bones.

I lay on the ground with the transmission sitting on the ground next to me, i have a friend lean over the corner of the drivers side and lift the transmission off the ground and i slide under the trans (chest up of course, orientated with my feet under the bumper and my head under the firewall) i put my knee into the front motor mount and use that to turn the tranny (leg up tranny goes clockwise and vice versa)

I then bench press the transmission up with the input shaft side of the tranny angled up a bit, whilst the person who is reaching over the fender helps guide the tranny in, works like a charm

majik 07-17-2007 07:28 AM

we figured out his problem Alex... he had the TOB on the pressure plate.

You seriously need to post a video on how to get that thing off, since you swear you can. I spent 45 minutes trying and wasn't able to. We Need DIY!!

DTN 07-17-2007 10:23 AM

^^ getting the tranny off is easy. you just have to remove all the bolts, then the clutch lever arm on the top will lock it in place unless you remove it. That's the part most people get hung up at. The release forks will bind on the TOB unless you remove the bolt and arm. After all that, the transmission just slides right off.

there's a couple DIYs in here

oops, i thought you were talking about the transmission.

There is a spring between the tob and the presure plate, you just get in there with a pair of plyers or ring expanders and it will pop off with a bit of force

Alex01tib 07-17-2007 10:38 AM

its a snap ring, and its not quite that easy. You would have to have the special snap ring that hyundai uses to do that right, ive went through about 3 pairs and they didnt help, my way is a bit different.

Darrell (deestibo) had a PP and TOB attached and i tried real quick to get off but this was in the middle of doing the clutch swap so i didnt give it too much effort.

Ill get it from him and see if i can do a DIY but it may be hard to take pix of

Or you guys could just send them to me with a check for $50 wink1.gif

DTN 07-17-2007 03:17 PM

^^ it's that easy man.. Last time I did it, I sat the pressure plate and Throw-out bearing in my lap, TOB side up. I ballanced the whole thing on top of a screw driver and pressed downwards on the pressure plate. It took about 10 minutes of trying to get the spring expanded with some snap-ring plyers, but it eventually gave way. The pressure plate went down and landed in my lap, while the TOB fell off.

The spring is more like a thin coat-hanger bent in a circle then a snap ring. I'm sure there's a better tool to use then snap ring plyers.

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