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Rixshark 02-17-2007 01:34 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Szilvertib @ Feb 16 2007, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>I thought we have something similar here too. When you kick some burgelars ass when he's stealing YOUR stuff from YOUR house, he can sue you for kicking his ass.</div>

I've done it twice so far, and haven't had too much trouble. But there was a kid that was hiding in the basement of a house, and when the owner went down the kid jumped out at him and the owner hit him. They ended up not charging the kid with B&E but charged the owner with assaulting a minor...

If I was in his shoes I would have done the same thing. The owner of the house stated that he was defending his property and his wife and 2 daughters (5 & 12), and now he has a criminal record for defending his family.

An even weirder twist to the story, the owner of the house was honoured as a hero 6 months prior for saving the life a guy with a gunshot wound. He managed to stop the bleeding from the victim's abdomen long enough for the paramedics to arrive. He didn't have any gloves or anything, and you never know who has what these days. The worst part, the whole B&E incident happened just down the street from me.

Carrera 02-17-2007 02:34 PM

number 1, you have to realize that cops are actually busy dealing with all the other stupid people who call them for every reason under the sun

2, a cop called you and asked for you bank account number? i pray to god you didnt give it to him, ever see the movie matchstick men?

3, never stay around for or after a fight, ur gonna get screwed either way. If your a trained fighter, knock him out, and run your ass as fast as you can and make sure people dont see the car your get into or the plate.

Do not trash police, thats so ricer. If you knew anything in life, youd be as respectful as you can to them.

brian01tib 02-17-2007 03:25 PM

Yes they can take a very long time to arrive. Imagine the country without poliece though, that would be alot worse than them taking to long and making some mistakes.

jeison 02-20-2007 12:55 AM

I work for a security company that deals w/ the police on a regular basis, and I've seen them take 2 hours to respond to a break and enter, but I've also seen them show up within minutes/seconds of alarms, it depends on where they are, what else they have on their plate, and other things... there was one time we called on a holdup alarm @ a pizza place, and there was an officer like 4 businesses down, and he went and caught the guy in the act, and 2 hours later 5 Xtra large pizzas showed up @ work... the pizza place called the local branch and told them to deliver us a bunch of free pizza.. which was nice but the pd deserved it more than us tongue.gif

daniel_depetro 03-04-2007 07:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (2000Coup�FX @ Feb 15 2007, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Then this morning , a cop called me on the telephone. She asked my bank account number for the damadge to my car. I was confused what she was talking about. Then she told me it was from the damadge from the fight. FROM 2 f***ING YEARS AGO.</div>

What would the authorities need your bank account info for???

1997tibby 03-04-2007 11:40 AM

Yea i know what u mean...about 4 months ago i was driving home from the diner with my g/f aroun 2:30am and i feel asleep at the wheel and sideswiped a car, now i learned now, but i went and knocked on the guys door, (it was my g/f car, and it was under her fathers name, so if i just ran there would have been and APB out for a white car with damage on the right side and the father would have been filed for a hit and run, so i woke up the guy and he called the cops, now the most damage was on my gf car the whole right side from the front to the rear fender was all creased in, he had a broken l/f taillight from the mirror, so he called the cop and we waited for 1 1/2 hours for a cop to show up, he shows up askes questions, then a second cop shows up and he askes questions, but niether one of the cops have the paper work to document an accident, so the cops go off to the side and start bullsihting, and we have to wait another 30min for the cop to show up with the paperwork, now this cop is a straight up DICK, trying to get me to say i was on the phone, i was speeding, somthing incriminating...meanwhile the other cops told him i was nice enough to go knock on the guys door and wake him up...anyways its almost 5am we bring the car back to my gfs house and wake up her parents and tell them the story....i talk to the guy whose car i hit, and told him i'd fix it all outside of insurance cause it was a $50 taillight and some scuffed plastic paneling, he said no problem thats fine, then he calls me up 2 days later and says he had it checked out by a body shop and theres over $900 in damage and if i give him $750 he wont call insurance and go though them, and to let him know tomorrow or hes gonna call...I WAS NICE ENOUGH TO WAKE THIS GUY UP AND BE HONEST AND HES GONNA f*** ME OUT OF $750 BUCKS!!!! i was PISSED so i had to give hime the money.....i waited a month and went back and well i was NOT SO HONEST to his truck....takign out a little more than $750 worth out on his truck...and a nie bill to leave him with....Now i'm the first person to say its not cool to mess with someones truck.....but that was jsut really REALLY wrong of him....not saying i wasnt MORE wrong.... I DO NOT CONDONE OR AGREE WITH VANDELISING OTHER PEOPLES PROPERTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash 03-04-2007 12:11 PM

^^ I think you were WAY outta line in this. It is up to the guy how he wants to repair his vehicle. If you don't want to get stuck paying for damaged cars don't fall a sleep when you're driving....Complaining and stealing from a guy aren't really things that you do if you are owning up to making a mistake. This guy didn't steal $750 dollars from you...he got paid for a damaged car and body shops charge alot.

daniel_depetro 03-04-2007 02:03 PM

I agree. You should have let it go. $750.00 is cheap when compared to having to fix his truck and paying an increased insurance premium every month for the next three years or paying your $500.00 deductible and a higher insurance premium for the next three years.

Maybe you should just have reported it to the insurance company as required.

1997tibby 03-06-2007 08:19 PM

I dont wanna say that I wasnt the bad guy, because i did hit his car, and it was all my fault, BUT the guy said he would let me repair his needed a taillight WHICH he had in the next day he got for $50 for a junky and 2 small plastic panels, would have costed me less than $200 to fix...then turns around and demands money? it was a month later AND THE SCUFFED PANELS WERE STILL ON HIS CAR!!!! he took the moeny and enjoyed it!!! im sorry, i'm sure you must all think i'm a dick, but i'm really not, just i hate being fcuked with like that...i forked 3gs out of my pocket to pay for my gfs car, at a time where i didnt have 3gs, Then this fcuker blackmails me into another $750!!

Crash 03-09-2007 10:50 AM

You are screwed up on this issue. Go take your car to a body shop and try to get it fixed for less than $750! It is up tho this guy how or if he gets his car fixed. You have no right to b**** about how you could have fixed it. You lost your control and say of this situation the second you fell asleep and plowed into his car. owned.gif You should be thankful it only cost $750 and not someones life! Then you have the courage to not only whine about it but go to the guys house commit a crime and then come here and brag about you have balls that clang to pull that $hit!

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