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187sks 10-06-2009 02:16 PM

Will somebody please post over there asking for an explanation of why I was banned?

I was not warned or contacted in any way before being banned. Never once, in any way, publicly or privately.

He seems to have gotten pissed off at Visionz and banned me too just for the hell of it.

Visionz 10-06-2009 02:32 PM

Same one ever said anything to me that we couldnt have HA in our signatures or in our avatars....nor could we point people to other sites if someone was looking for a DIY. Kind of stupid rules to have over there, but evidently they're set in their ways and its not allowed. BTW, you all do know that the Admin doesnt own a Hyundai, right? *lol* Makes total sense....non Hyundai owner buying a Hyundai site and becoming a Nazi to the members! *hahaha*

03-accent-03 10-06-2009 02:46 PM

I told Rob today if Nadeem is looking for a list of improvements, here's a list:

1-Buy a Hyundai
2-Learn something about Hyundais
3-Lose the ads
4-Sell the site to us

Any word on your letter yet Josh?

jsharptooth91 10-06-2009 05:23 PM

Ok, so the admin over their sent me this
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>What is your beef with this site? You guys have blown this whole thing WAY out of proportion. When we took over this site we did not change much. A few rules here and there because we are a business and have to protect our investment. We updated the board software, put the site on a better, faster server, and changed the banner. We never stopped anyone from posting good technical information or stopped anyone from enjoying the site.

I had to ban the URL and Visionz due to the fact that pretty much all his posts since June have been recruitment for the dot org site. If you wish to actually make a difference here, help me to understand what the beef is from all the members. Visionz is not welcome here anymore and that is his own doing. No other website would have tolerated his actions for so long. Thanks.


187 i will ask and see whats the deal.

187sks 10-06-2009 06:04 PM


majik 10-06-2009 07:45 PM

sks - on IPB, there's an option where you can delete all posts by a member.

Rob - I believe most of us in your position would have done the same thing. You built a very successful forum, and there was no reason to imagine it could have fallen like it has. Besides, you were made an offer and saw opportunity to receive something you had invested so much time into. Unfortunately, as the core members and staff dwindled away, so did the quality. Props for the success HP had, you and your staff made something big happen.

Visionz 10-07-2009 06:57 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (03-accent-03 @ Oct 6 2009, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Any word on your letter yet Josh?</div>

Not yet....but I'm watching to see if they remove things today. jsharptooth, can you post over there and let them know my attorney has been contacted and a lawsuit WILL happen if they do not remove my threads and posts.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Nadeem @ Oct 6 2009, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>What is your beef with this site? You guys have blown this whole thing WAY out of proportion. When we took over this site we did not change much. A few rules here and there because we are a business and have to protect our investment. We updated the board software, put the site on a better, faster server, and changed the banner. We never stopped anyone from posting good technical information or stopped anyone from enjoying the site.

I had to ban the URL and Visionz due to the fact that pretty much all his posts since June have been recruitment for the dot org site. If you wish to actually make a difference here, help me to understand what the beef is from all the members. Visionz is not welcome here anymore and that is his own doing. No other website would have tolerated his actions for so long. Thanks.


Ok, can he say they didnt change much? The whole entire main site is gone (it used to have write ups and all kinds of things about Hyundai), theres more banners, spam, and spyware on that site than its ever had in its entire existance, and changed it to a better server??? Thats a freaking laugh, because the site takes forever to load. He says they never stopped people from enjoying the site, but everything they have done to it after they bought it, has made it way less enjoyable. Not to mention getting pissed when anyone posts a link to other sites somewhere (signature, in posts, etc...).

He says he had to ban me because all my posts over there were to recruit people here. Ok, lets look at this statement. I think in the entire time since June, I've posted maybe what....5...MAYBE 6 times? I think out of those times, I may have mentioned HA 3 or 4 times, and it wasnt to say, "HEY...STOP POSTING HERE AND COME TO HA!!!" I have said stuff along the lines of, "Theres someone on HA who has that same mod..." or "Someone on HA is selling that part, you may want to get in touch with them over there...." Stupid stuff like that. I also had the site link in my signature, and my avatar that said Hyundai Aftermarket.

To me, thats not "recruiting" members. And do you "RECRUIT" a member anyway? I dont actively force someone to leave a site and come here. Like I said before, if they leave on their own after seeing the site in my signature and find this place a more enjoyable experience, then thats on them. Or if they leave HP because of all the banner ads, spam, spyware, or just not getting replies to their responses....thats not my fault!

Thats like the people at MSNBC getting pissed off at people leaving their site to go to CNN because theres better or more info on CNN than on MSNBC. Nadeem said if people want to make a difference, then make him understand what the beef is that people have there. How many times do we have to say it for him to understand? Lose the banner ads, spam, and spyware....and stop banning people for stupid reasons. If someone says theres info on another site because a person needs helps with something....its not to take them away. Its to help them find a solution to their problem. Hell...I've even pointed people on here to other sites, like Beta Swap Shop, CH, RDT, and even NT (as much as that killed me to do We're all one big community no matter how you look at it, and we're all just trying to find help and guidance in what we do with our cars. It makes no sense to horde the members to just one site and not help them when they need it.

Nadeem will NEVER understand this because he hasnt been in the scene for long, and he hasnt seen how well the members help each other. He's like the red headed stepchild that was adopted into a family without knowing anything at all about it. Rob even told him over there that he needs to spend time and understand how Hyundai tuning started, how HP and HA began, and how connected the community is really is together.

He says I'm not welcomed there. Thats funny because again...he doesnt understand or know my roots in the scene, or even some of the other old skool member roots. To him, I'm just some n00b probably that owns a dot org site and is only looking to promote it. If he truly knew who I was, or people like Rob, Rudy, Aaron/i8acobra, Mouse, Kirk, Tony, Jaws, Chris H, Onpol, Iago, Yuri, Raphael, Bry, Red, etc, etc, etc.....then he in no way would of did what he did as far as banning me. And as far as no other website tolerating this....the ONLY other site that doesnt tolerate it is NT, and we all know how it is over there, and the way they treat their members. All of the other sites all cross post and promote each other. HELL, if you freaking look on the main site of this will see small banners for EXD, Sonata Speed, RDT, Genesis BK, and Tuscon Drivers. I would LOVE to see NT or HP do something like that, but you know they never will!

Anyway, this is a really long response, and I wanted to get it all off my chest. Nadeem has ALOT to learn, and his site is going to continue to fall apart more and more. So yeah...thats that.....

BTW...feel free to link this post over there so he can see it:;#entry145634

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>I warned him and others months ago. He played all nice with me and claimed to be o.k with not promoting his site, and that he would stay on here as a part of this community and not cause me any trouble.</div>

He sent me an email asking what my problem was for having a link in my signature and for telling people there was a DIY on RDT for something. It wasnt even HA that I was promoting at that time. I told him fine, and that I wont help people like that anymore. He also said if I didnt want to be part of the staff over there, then to let him know and he'll remove me. I told him to keep me on the staff since I helped people over the years and I generally got PM's from people asking questions about suspension and paint & body stuff. By leaving me on the staff, it was an easy way for people to find me and contact me.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>I could post up our private conversations, but that is not my style and I would rather not air personal "dirty laundry" for all to see. In the end he did not keep his word, so he and others are gone. Being a member of other forums, you should understand that blatantly telling people that "this site sucks, and come to mine" is not tolerated and will be met with swift and harsh action. He made his bed, and he can now lie in it. You don't see any other Hyundai sites URLs censored here, and that is because I have not seen anyone abusing the privilege of posting those URLs. In effect, Josh ruined it for everyone.</div>

I have all of the PM's and Emails, and I WILL post them if people really want to know whats up. Keep my word? All I said was that I would continue to help people in any way I could. If that meant directing them to OTHER sites (not just HA) so they could find what they needed, then I would do that so that members could continue to get their questions answered. I have directed Elantra owners to EXD....Tib owners to RDT, and so on. All I care about is helping people and making sure they get their answers. They sure as hell werent getting them on HP, so why they should suffer and stay on a forum that gets them no where, when there are other sites out there who would answer their questions? And I will straight up make this a public statement. I HAVE NEVER TOLD PEOPLE OVER THERE THAT HP SUCKS AND TO COME OVER TO HA! I have said it over here....laugh.gif but never publicly on their site. Thats disrespectful and people should know me by now that I wouldnt do that. yes, I have pointed people to other sites so they got their questions answered, but I never in any way said HP sucks to them and they should leave to go elsewhere.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>What I find to be a funny thing from all of this is that all the while he was recruiting people to his "great" site, he had to steal information (and he blatantly admitted to this as well) from here to fill his site with content. I guess doesn't suck that bad after all... People still post here and have their questions answered. That is great, and I would like to improve the site to the point where we can have a community atmosphere going here again in addition to the technical knowledge. Thanks for everyone's input in this thread and thanks for keeping it all within the rules.


I took MY content. Once again...content that was MINE!!! I have also taken content from people who sent me PM's and asked if I would post it here on their behalf. You can see in the tutorial section of this site that anything that was posted from HP, has the proper author attached to it, because they said I could take it post here. NOTHING was taken without anyones permission except for MY OWN stuff. And besides....this site doesnt need to be filled with content, considering it has content from the last 9 years almost.

Yeah, people do still post there and yes their questions do still get answered....but usually theres only one or two posts, where as other forums you will see tons of posts answering questions, and it doesnt take weeks for people to actually answer stuff.

Uggg...this pisses me off like crazy! Nadeem is a freaking moron, and I feel like bashing my head against the wall over all of this. I thought it would get easier after all these years, dealing with idiots like him in the scene....but I can see that there will always be people like him who will never understand and will continue to ruin things for those who have been around for a long time, and for those who are just getting into it and trying to learn. On that note, because its allowed on every other forum except his and NT, I'll just say this here....



03-accent-03 10-07-2009 08:38 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Visionz @ Oct 7 2009, 05:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Nadeem will NEVER understand this because he hasnt been in the scene for long, and he hasnt seen how well the members help each other. He's like the red headed stepchild that was adopted into a family without knowing anything at all about it. Rob even told him over there that he needs to spend time and understand how Hyundai tuning started, how HP and HA began, and how connected the community is really is together.</div>
"Hasn't been in the scene for long"

...Can't say he's IN any scene at all... Other than MAKING a scene wink.gif

faithofadragon 10-07-2009 09:23 AM

meh i give 6 months before it goes for sale again

mouse 10-07-2009 09:40 AM

Wow, what a fiasco. I miss the good ol' days, but life goes on. Josh keep up the great work over here at HA. It's good to see the ol' Hyundai community is still kicking. Miss you guys.


Hey, Rob... you're still a sellout in my book. hahaha

187sks 10-07-2009 09:46 AM

Wow! Hi Mouse!

majik 10-07-2009 09:47 AM

mouse? as in Ryan mouse? The resurrection begins!

4doorGL 10-07-2009 09:53 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mouse @ Oct 7 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Wow, what a fiasco. I miss the good ol' days, but life goes on. Josh keep up the great work over here at HA. It's good to see the ol' Hyundai community is still kicking. Miss you guys.


Hey, Rob... you're still a sellout in my book. hahaha</div>

STFU. Just for that I'm not coming to your wedding when it finally happens (j/k).

mouse 10-07-2009 10:04 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (4doorGL @ Oct 7 2009, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>STFU. Just for that I'm not coming to your wedding when it finally happens (j/k).</div>
Who says I'm gettin' married? Remember, I broke off that fiasco!? Damn un-social bitch. I blame you guys for ruining our engagement experience. Rude Vegas types. :-)

Oh, wait. We're hijacking a thread. f*ck HA, HP RULES! banana.gif (sarcasm)

Visionz 10-07-2009 10:28 AM

Moderbators...please ban stick Mouse for saying F*ck HA!

lmao.gif lmao.gif

Good to see you around bro!

187sks 10-07-2009 11:42 AM

Can somebody post asking why I was banned? It hasn't been brought up at all over there. I think he'll probably only answer if it's posted in public. Feel free to post the list below over there if you would like.

My last posts:

9-23: Swine Flu Vaccinne - BS
9-03: Freedom of speech - BS
9-03 Swine flu Vaccinne - BS
9-03 my grandmother has Alzheimers - Telling TAK that I'm sorry for that
6-28 - When it rains it pours - saying that Hyundai replacement parts aren't more expensive than other makes
6-26 Sonata Lawsuit - heckling a spammer/frivolous lawyer
6-26 Manifold beta 1 for beta 2 urgent plz - asking the OP to clarify intake or exhaust manifold
6-25 New to Hyundai Performance - directed a seller to "Administrator" and the For Sale/Wanted forum on HP
6-22 traffic ticket help 2.0!!!!!!!! - gave help regarding traffic lawyers
6-20 alpha tranny: the weirdest problem - gave help on a tranny problem
6-20 traffic ticket help 2.0!!!!!!!! - suggested using a traffic lawyer
6-17 No start - gave help troubleshooting a starting issue
6-17 hyundais r kool - said hi to endlessmike who popped in and said hello
6-09 Is this site dieing????? - <span style="color:#FF0000">Someone was complaining about HP and said I was the main guy on HP (lol). I said I moved to HA and linked HA, RDT, And CH.</span>
6-09 Losing license????help - Suggested a traffic lawyer
5-14 3rd Annual PNW meet and Cruise. Olympia,NW - posted a local meet
5-14 Dry compression test fail wet test pass - helped troubleshoot compression issue
4-30 Parting out my LC! - suggested using credit card fraud protection to get money back from bad seller
4-30 The (Un)Official Hyundai Mafia Thread - Personal life update
4-29 dammmm its been a long time... - said welcome back to faithofadragon
4-21 Fuel pump - helped troubleshoot a non-start issue
4-20 Fuel pump - helped troubleshoot a non-start issue
4-19 Fuel pump - helped troubleshoot a non-start issue
4-16 187sks's videos - will update regularly - updated with new videos
4-15 Performance chips... worth it? - suggested that someone asking Mitsubishi ECU questions would probably get better answers on a Mitsubishi forum

Of these last 25 posts:
Only one linked to HA or other sites
13 were helpful
11 were OT

IMO no reason to ban me for any of that so IDK what the deal is.

faithofadragon 10-07-2009 12:27 PM

posted asking why

i8acobra 10-07-2009 01:03 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Visionz @ Oct 7 2009, 05:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>If he truly knew who I was, or people like Rob, Rudy, Mouse, Kirk, Tony, Jaws, Chris H, Onpol, Iago, Yuri, Raphael, Bry, Red, etc, etc, etc.....then he in no way would of did what he did as far as banning me.</div>

Man.... I never get any f****n' love. cool.gif

Visionz 10-07-2009 01:18 PM

^ haha sorry Aaron! wink.gif Edited my post to include you! tongue.gif

4doorGL 10-07-2009 01:32 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mouse @ Oct 7 2009, 04:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Who says I'm gettin' married? Remember, I broke off that fiasco!? Damn un-social bitch. I blame you guys for ruining our engagement experience. Rude Vegas types. :-)

Oh, wait. We're hijacking a thread. f*ck HA, HP RULES! banana.gif (sarcasm)</div>

Then I blame you for wandering off and getting lost at my bachelor party smile.gif

187sks 10-07-2009 01:55 PM

Thanks for posting for me Faith.

REDZMAN 10-07-2009 08:55 PM


I'll use this thread as a reference over on *** to show folks what a Nazi site is like. Good lord, our warning system looks fantastic now!


Wait a second, you have a filter on so I can't type ***?

R D T!!!

Visionz, if you are truly golden, post all those emails man, let him sink his own ship.

TheDonsWife 10-07-2009 10:18 PM

lol.. i love this thread it makes me laugh and realize that in reality people really do suck balls!! EVERYONE!!!

Visionz 10-08-2009 06:05 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (REDZMAN @ Oct 7 2009, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Rrriiigggghhhttt...

I'll use this thread as a reference over on *** to show folks what a Nazi site is like. Good lord, our warning system looks fantastic now!


Wait a second, you have a filter on so I can't type ***?

R D T!!!

Visionz, if you are truly golden, post all those emails man, let him sink his own ship.

I was about to say WTF...theres no filter on any of the site links.....then realized you typed it in like that on purpose. laugh.gif tongue.gif

I'm waiting to see if they remove my content over there first before I start posting that kind of stuff.

xilef 10-08-2009 09:33 AM

i lurk here now and then but i just wanted to say that i was a member at hp for awhile and it sucks over there. i hate that site so much because of the ads and how slow it is. visionz im glad this site has been around for as long as it has and you continue to make this a fun board for people to come to. i plan on telling everyone i know to come here and to stay away from hp. keep up the great work you do here.

03-accent-03 10-08-2009 09:45 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (xilef @ Oct 8 2009, 08:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>i lurk here now and then but i just wanted to say that i was a member at hp for awhile and it sucks over there. i hate that site so much because of the ads and how slow it is. visionz im glad this site has been around for as long as it has and you continue to make this a fun board for people to come to. i plan on telling everyone i know to come here and to stay away from hp. keep up the great work you do here.</div>
Be careful how you do that. We don't need extra crap happening between the boards.

187sks 10-08-2009 09:51 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'> Originally Posted by faithofadragon
187sks wants to know WHY he was banned also</div>
I have warned him about his avatar and sig before. He persisted, so he was banned. I thought he was an OK guy too, but he didn't comply with my request to remove the avatar or the sig. I figured he would know that.

He's either blatantly full of sh*t, or he sent me a PM and I never logged in to see it before I was banned.

Either way, I NEVER in ANY way was warned about ANYTHING. I can't say an attempt of some sort wasn't made, but if so I never got it. I'm pretty sure HP sends you an email when you get a PM also so if that's the case then no he's full of it.

HyundaiKitCoupe 10-08-2009 10:11 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>Anyway, this is a really long response, and I wanted to get it all off my chest. Nadeem has ALOT to learn, and his site is going to continue to fall apart more and more. So yeah...thats that.....</div>

truly well said on every aspect. i'm not sure how it's possible to ban somebody he knows nothing about, without telling them.

did he remove the DIY's? sometimes legal action is necessary. this is beyond ridiculous and the guy's defense is very weak and illogical.

faithofadragon 10-08-2009 10:37 AM

lol look at my reply 187

Bullfrog 10-08-2009 11:20 AM

faith your response almost made me piss myself at work..

"so you permabanned him for that??

thats like warning your neighbor to please lower the radio at night...then when he didnt listen for the 3rd time

you shoot him in the face"

03-accent-03 10-08-2009 11:34 AM


Visionz 10-08-2009 11:36 AM I read their "rules" and holy crap....I think that place is actually WORST than NT....

Oh, and BTW're right...he is full of sh*t because anytime you receive you a get emailed also. But thats basically the main reason why I was banned too. Because of the link in my sig, and the avatar, and for pointing people to OTHER sites...not just HA. So what ever...let him have his site....freaking cry baby. laugh.gif

iheartmyredcar 10-08-2009 12:41 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Bullfrog @ Oct 8 2009, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>faith your response almost made me piss myself at work..

"so you permabanned him for that??

thats like warning your neighbor to please lower the radio at night...then when he didnt listen for the 3rd time

you shoot him in the face"</div>

that was an awesome analogy.

their rules remind me of hitler. dont come to the forum if you want to breathe!!

treykee 10-08-2009 03:16 PM

How pathetic. However it ought to work itself out. People who either don't like being treated the way he treats people or who don't like seeing others treated that way will leave the forums which will leave HP with very few people who know a screw driver from a bowling ball let alone anything about Hyundais specifically. Even though I've always done more reading than posting in any of the forums, the community is something I've enjoyed just as much as owning and playing with the cars.

krazymikeygt 10-08-2009 04:19 PM

I am done with hp. i will now just troll this sh*t out of it. you guys think im bad on NT, hahaha.

this is going to be epic ban

HyundaiKitCoupe 10-08-2009 04:58 PM Rule #1: "Tag, you're it. Quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies. Double stamped it. Touch blue make it true."

03-accent-03 10-08-2009 05:01 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (HyundaiKitCoupe @ Oct 8 2009, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'> Rule #1: "Tag, you're it. Quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies. Double stamped it. Touch blue make it true."</div>

majik 10-08-2009 08:40 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (HyundaiKitCoupe @ Oct 8 2009, 05:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'> Rule #1: "Tag, you're it. Quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies. Double stamped it. Touch blue make it true."</div>
That deserves a big WTF...

<span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%">WTF?</span> is that something I missed out on as a kid?

faithofadragon 10-08-2009 09:53 PM

i donno majik...this kid is our age and i dont know wtf hes talkin about

187sks 10-09-2009 01:20 AM


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