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JonGTR 05-16-2006 09:00 AM

True, the yanks have no idea. laugh.gif

People in Dallas and even Austin are calling San Antonio "North Mexico". It's true though. lmao.gif

fonseca 05-16-2006 03:06 PM

Well, I'm no "yank", but where I live in VA illegal immigrants are a big problem too. My closest county school is full of them, and they speak no English. It puts a strain on the resources and the teachers, who can't communicate with them at all. And the taxpayers are paying for their education. And go by any construction project here, the Spanish you hear being spoken is generally by undocumented workers who stand around on a nearby street all day hoping to get a job. And guess what, trucks and vans from all kinds of companies are lining up and hiring them each day for next to nothing. They're not doing that because they can't find legal employees, they're doing it because they're greedy bastards.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Rixshark @ May 16 2006, 10:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>You couldn't find a person who can legally work crawling in a field picking mushrooms for next to nothing.</div>

We're not a third world country, and we have minimum wage laws. No business should be able to hire someone and pay them next to nothing. That is pure exploitation.

Tibminn 05-16-2006 06:44 PM

yea it is a problem in Minnesota as well redz. im not saying its anywhere close to as bad, but it is a problem. and while there are a ton of mexicans here, there are also a lot of others (samalians and hmongs for example). and we've had all protests and whatnot, its just that people dont take the time to pay attention to what its all really about

JonGTR 05-16-2006 07:17 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (TibMinn @ May 16 2006, 07:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>its just that people dont take the time to pay attention to what its all really about</div>

Korean_Redneck 05-17-2006 04:32 PM

In Virginia Beach, VA.... Illegal Immigrants are everywhere..

at least once a week i hear about a Chinese or Mexican getting nabbed at restaurants and gettin' deported.

x2stpsfrmnowhere 05-22-2006 05:49 PM

Well his speech worked pretty damn well if you ask me. Look at us all talkin' about a very insignificant idea(illegal immigrants), while more important things slip under the radar(Iraq,Oil,and Iran). Just another ploy by the Government/Media to distract our attention.

01tibby 05-22-2006 06:05 PM

i need a smiley blowing his brains out with a gun to respond to posts like that. crazy.gif

kb5133 05-22-2006 06:34 PM

Without starting a major fight or placing the blame on anyone. Everyone has a part in why the situation is as it is. Government is part to blame because they allowed this to happen. Laws have always been in place and not enforced. Why? Because the politicians are businessmen as well. They either got rich off of businesses or got backing from some business or another to get to where they are now. The businesses are part to blame because some will do anything to cut costs and increase profits. The consumers, that's us, choose which products to purchase and from which manufacturers.
There's alot broken with the system. The Mexicans (only about 57% of the illegal immigrant population, not 99.9%and what do you expect, they do border us) aren't taking over the US. The US (us, business, government) are allowing these people to come in. It's all about $$$.
As far as the immigrants go, the majority are here for a better life not to steal our resources. Yes there are many "bad" immigrants and depending on what part of the country you live in there may be more bad than good. I'm not some hippy peace freak. I'll bust a cap in yo ass if you try to take what's mine, but put yourselves in some of these people shoes. What would you do? They can't control where they were born. And the legalization process is slow and expensive.
Anyways, I'm not taking sides. I agree with many of the arguements from both camps. I have a feeling though, that once we take care of the immigrant issue and folks are treated fairly, Americans will still lose jobs as businesses will seek more cost effective "areas" to manufacture their products. The whole thing just runs deaper than "the Mexicans".

REDZMAN 05-23-2006 09:08 AM

Great, another conspiracy theorist on the forums.

I'm going to close this thread.

Just keep in mind you younguns...

1. No president, in the history of the US has ever had to deal with the disasters this one has.
a. When we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, who did we attack back? The Japanese. They attacked us. So why did we attack the Germans? They didn't attack us at all. Sound familliar? Does to me. 2001 we get attacked, we find out who did it and attack them back. Next, we go after the other folks that are most likely to attack us (N. Korea is pretty much a Non-Threat now, for you uneducated folks.).
b. Hurricanes. This last year had the highest amount of hurricanes ever, 15. The previous high was 12, and was set in 1969. I don't remember there being a Bush in office then. Of course, you'll still blame a natrual disaster on him, right?

2. This is the best our economy has ever been. EVER. We were just like 30 points from closing the dow at it's highest EVER.

3. We haven't been attacked since 2001. The intelligence mishaps that allowed 9/11 can be easily blamed on the Clinton administration and their military and intelligence cutbacks. If you didn't serve under that administration, you have no clue whatsoever. The policy of NOT sending in troops and just using a few cruise missles to obliterate camps from around the world led to the Islamic world looking at us as cowards and is easily the reason Al Queda was able to round the support up needed to attack us.

4. 9/11. A big thing happened that day. You might wanna go read about it a bit. Go read the names of the folks that died that day. Read the names of the folks that have fought and died for your freedom and to give others that same chance SINCE then. If you think something is wrong, then do something about it. Until then, and until you've lived in one of these countries and seen the progress that is ignored daily by the media, you have no room to speak.


Okay, stop sending me IM's on this subject. I will delete them without answering or viewing them, just like I have for the 5 folks that sent them so far.

These political debate threads are not going to go long, ever, on this site. We've tried them in the past and everyone spends forever trying to convince everyone else who's right. I closed this thread with my reply and should have stated that it's because these always get out of hand, feelings get hurt, and this isn't why we are here on this site guys.

Same thing happened with all the other threads similar to this.

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