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DTN 10-20-2007 08:40 AM

The site needs some work. Things have been down for a couple of weeks.

1. We need to get the upper left corner pictures working again because in Internet explorer it shows a tacky red x.

2. We need to get the forums button back in the top menubar so that new users do not have to rack themselves trying to find out how to get into the forums.

I've PM'd Javageek a couple of times about things. He never responds.

This is the best RD site on the Internet. I think these are issues that should be taken care of immediately! They make the site less friendly, harder to use, and are somewhat embarrassing.

oh yeah....

StrikeEagle 10-20-2007 08:54 AM

^^ +1

I mentioned the pics a couple weeks back and nothing happened. Then someone mentioned the forum button (which I use at work allll the time) and thought it was a 'simple fix', but still hasn't been resolved... if you get bored!

REDZMAN 10-20-2007 10:55 PM

It's the ONLY RD site on the internet.

Tips for you guys...

1. PM Javageek, and Email him, using the trackign feature, to see if he reads it, every day, until he answers, then 2 times a day till it's fixed.


2. PM Supercow, as he'll get tired of it, and contact Javageek, and figure out how to fix it.


I miss RD mart as much as anyone else, I miss giving out points, I miss messing with your titles for points, and I miss the other same things you guys do, Java is a busy guy, just keep hounding him and it'll get fixed.

I also miss the Garage.

Nex 10-20-2007 11:05 PM

this site runs on a type of program right? i am studying web design/programming, but it'll be a lil while til i get on that level of expertise i guess.

then again, if i can learn it some where like you said i would gladly help, this is the kinda stuff im studying for anyways.

DTN 10-20-2007 11:16 PM

^^ There's plenty of places you can learn it. Theres alot of threads on it in the forums. start here:

I just want RDMart back up so that after I post about 750 I can get 2,000 RDBucks and change REDZMAN's title to "REDZMAN sucks!" and ban him for a day.

PM sent. Thanks REDZMAN.

Alex01tib 10-20-2007 11:16 PM

LoL, then yours would be changed to "on vacation!"

HyundaiKitCoupe 10-20-2007 11:22 PM

man, sometimes i wish pete was here. apart with him leaving, he was really damn good with these things.

javageek 10-21-2007 03:29 PM

Honestly, I know these things need to be fixed. But ya know what, I have not had the time! I recently switched to mid-shift, working from midnight to 8am. By the time I get home I crash. When I get up I am helping the kids with homework and paying attention to my wife. Anyone want to volunteer to do these things? As for RD mart, I do not know if it will come back. EACH item on the menu of rd mart needs to be programmed in. That requires changing code in three or four different areas per skin. It was a pain in the butt to get all that working before. Then when you upgrade the site you have to do it all over again, sounds like fun doesn't it.

blacktibby 10-21-2007 03:52 PM

Hey Guys. I own a development company here that deals in web development, i'm pretty sure i can help you out REDZ and JAVA .. I've been around for awhile. So if you need some help just PM me.

javageek 10-21-2007 03:54 PM


I went in and disabled the non functional logo rotator. I tried to fix it but the dude that made it closed down his site so his project has been abandoned. I now have static images setup until further notice.

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