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01steve 06-24-2012 08:51 AM

80"s gi joe cartoon-... profanity?
so i was watching gi joe (80's toon) on netflix. i got up to episode 34 "cobra sound waves" and ten minutes or so into it they are going through a cave and decide to flip a coin to decide which tunnel they are going to take and as the coin flips shipwreck says (and i quote)

"ahhh i don't f*ck around with luck. we go right"

could someone else confirm that i'm not hearing things. i had my gf listen to it too and she said it was pretty clear.

if you wanna hear it just bring up episode 34 on netflix and it's ten or 11 mins in to it.

whatever you do-... do not make a big stink about it! otherwise, some dumb b*tch of a pta or church group will have it yanked from netflix.

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