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Carrera 09-25-2006 08:53 PM

Ok guys, I was talking to a few people on here and the idea to create a hyundai tuner mag seems have more support then I had origionaly planned. Idealy, it should start out as a newsletter to all those subscribed to RDtiburon and then as it gets larger, it shall venture to the other hyundai groups out there. Its a free newsletter obviously. I will need help and a staff, so if anyone would like to see such an idea come to life, it needs support. Post your ideas/support, PM me, email, or IM. It doesnt matter. The more support the better. Also need people willing to write articles, DIY's, take pictures..etc.etc.etc. If you are interested, contact me, if you will support it, post up here.

Ericy321 09-25-2006 09:03 PM

i think it would be a cool idea and id support it. id be willing to help any way i can

drewinator 09-25-2006 09:33 PM

this is an awesome idea i think, and id be willing to help in any area that i can.

REDZMAN 09-25-2006 10:22 PM

What does this have to do with performance? General or otherwise?

Carrera 09-26-2006 08:06 AM

Redz, are you questioning the validity of me posting this here? or are you asking if it has to do with performance. Well alot of people still do not know where to get what, and what is the best. And since usually thats our biggest fight with most parts companies, we might as well show the rest of the hyundai community that there is an aftermarket world for us and it can be quite reasonable too. I mean I know we don't have 800$ bolt on turbo kits for lets say a B16A, but I remember reading on here viper was building a kit, and then there was the group buy on CF hoods... just stuff like that. Get the info out there. One of the biggest problems I think we have as Hyundai tuners is that we do not have a huge list of companies to choose from like Honda, or mitsu, or toyota. But we all know that we can run a vtec prelude all night long who has the same mods we do... well I know I can. **(At the track of course =P) **

Redz, PM me or IM me if that didnt answer your question.

So any ideas for names?

REDZMAN 09-26-2006 12:57 PM

What I'm getting at is this is posted in the wrong place.

This has nothing to do with General Performance of cars, it has to do with a Car Newsletter.

brian01tib 09-26-2006 06:09 PM

Its fine with me if you use my DIYs in the DIY section on here, I think I did 2?). Good luck

Alex01tib 09-26-2006 09:20 PM

There i moved it to off topic

I think its a great idea. If i can help let me know.

Carrera 09-27-2006 07:55 AM

O ok, Yeah I didnt know where else to put it. I read underneath general performance and it said for anything else that doesnt fit lol So, any ideas for names?

DTN 09-27-2006 10:56 AM

i'm here to assist!

Visionz 09-27-2006 11:04 AM

This has already been done in the past a couple of times and failed after the 2nd or 3rd month. Old skoolers from HP and HA will remember the "Shark-zine" that was created, as well as the website and MSN community. There was a group of people, each with their own skill set writing editorials on different things and then there were a couple of actual editors and publishers that read everyones work and copy edited things.

Not saying that it wont last this time. I'm just saying the same exact reaction was given to the other times this idea came up, and when it came down to doing the actual one did anything after the first few issues. To have a successful newsletter, theres ALOT that has to go into it. Not just a few ideas thrown together in an email and then sent off.

Good luck though. Hope it goes well if you go through with it. smile.gif

Carrera 09-27-2006 06:16 PM

Drivingtibnaked, your my hero

Thank you visionz, yeah i understand that. Although i didnt know that this was attempted before. I figure I have about 2-3 hrs between my 2nd and 3rd class at pennstate + midnight to whenever i go to bed lol, so i figure i got soem time during the day. I mean, its not enough time to make a full blown 130 page magazine, but thats why its a newsletter laugh.gif get the reader to come back for more next month and more shall be added.

Still need some name ideas... =P

DTN 09-27-2006 09:04 PM

^^ its worth mentioning that he has a close relative who does a newsletter and makes a bunch of money from sponsor advertizements. This could be a good thing for a few motivated individuals.

Hyundai performance

EDIT after mod edit: Alex, i had it like that for a reason.

HY Performance
HY tech
HY speed

Alex01tib 09-27-2006 09:14 PM

visionz remember the hyundai community has grown since then and may have some better luck this time round, ALSO maybe there may be some more luck if its orientated toward all hyundais.

BUT he is right, people would have to be dedicated, maybe see if you can get some copies of a shark-zine and see what you can learn from that.

There could be sections about:

-New Hyundais and concept cars
-''How to's'' for common problems encountered with certain model hyundais
-Advice on different aspects of racing
-Performance DIY's
-Articles about proper N/A and Turbo tuning
-Mods to avoid
-Detailed reviews for performance products
-Reviews on hyundai stores (such as kspec and SR)
-Reviews of expericances with certain ebay sellers
-Letters from readers
-classifieds COTM winner page, COTM winner page, Elantra XD COTM winner page, etc, etc each with pics, interview, mod list, and dyno graphs
-Advertisements from vendors after established

thats all i can think of right now

But im all for it.

DTN 09-27-2006 09:35 PM

^^ that was a play on the english language you edited.. a Y makes a sound like an E or an I depending on it's usage.

I also think that the head honcho of this project will have to monitor some of the major sites.

The following list was blatenly stolen from my old car club WWW.DFWHYUNDAIS.COM

Hyundai Owners Clubs & Forums

Model Specific:
Accent: TBD
Elantra: Elantra XD, Elantra Club, Drivers & Believers Hyundai Elantra GT Mail List
Tiburon: RD Tiburon, New Tiburon, Club Tuscani
Sonata: Sonata Speed, Sonata Forums (brand new in December 2005!)
XG300/XG350: TBD
Azera: TBD
Tucson: Hyundai Tucson Club, Hyundai Tucson Forum
Santa Fe: Santa Fe Forum

Multi-Platform: Seoulful Racing, Hyundai Kia Forums, Edmunds Forums
Hyundai Aftermarket, Hyundai Performance, Hyundai-Forums, Hyundai Forum
Streetkiaz, Kia-Forums

DFW Hyundai's list with links is here

The editor will have to be responsible for putting out the word, ensuring the writers understand the concept, and collecting articals.

The payments should be made through paypal

The payments should be based on the ammount written.

If a writer writes 1/5 of the magazine, and the magazine is worth X dollars, and it costs Y ammount to edit and publish, then (X-Y)/5=payed ammount to a writer.

The writers need to ensure accurate information.

Alex01tib 09-27-2006 09:57 PM

sorry bout the edit, but you posted the .undai after it so i just thought you were saying you forgot that.

Since you didnt really emphasize it, as it was i dont think anybody would have gotten the whole play on words anyway so i think your better off

But i think HY speed or HY performance sounds pretty good

LOL but your talking about payments like this is going to be a profitable magazine right off the bat. It should start as a free newsletter that takes donations (kinda like RDT) until it gets a solid backing, advertisers, and subscriptions

Carrera 09-28-2006 11:55 AM

Woah, I didnt expect to see this many responses, um, yeah 1st off, the idea of having a profitable magazine would kick a**, but i was trying to go for a free newsletter first lol--then have people comment accordingly to it and then we will find out whether or not to keep it as a fun newsletter or develop it into a profitable magazine. I love the ideas guys, I have been thinking about alot of those things for quite some time and itd be great to have a newsletter that could cover all that but I think were getting a tad ahead of ourselves. I see you guys are already thinking of editing and paypal and all sorts of aspects to this, but we dont even have a place to start yet lol.

Drivingtibnaked, Im liking the names, they are simple yet say alot, anyone got anymore ideas? im thinking we could have a vote on em, I myself, im bad with names, so any ideas are welcome and then we shall see who likes what the best.

Alextib, I love your ideas man, your definatly thinking about this alot lol, I was hoping there would be some enthesuiastic people for this.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>If a writer writes 1/5 of the magazine, and the magazine is worth X dollars, and it costs Y ammount to edit and publish, then (X-Y)/5=payed ammount to a writer.</div>

Nice equation laugh.gif, ive been doing alot of thinking about the content of the magazine, editing, payments, etc.etc.etc. i think those of us who seem to be really up for it...i.e you, alex, myself, and whoever else there may be should sit down maybe over aim or something and discuss the many facets of it and get all our ideas down since you guys really seem to be speeding along with this.

Alex01tib 09-28-2006 03:36 PM

AIM = arodd42 but im sortof booked today

i got 3 cars i gotta work on lol.

Carrera 09-28-2006 07:26 PM

3 cars? damn lol thats alot, my tib keeps me distracted enough and thats just 1 car lol,

so any other name ideas? or does everyone like the suggestions drivingtibnaked made? i like em, but itd be nice to have a wide selection to vote on.

Carrera 09-30-2006 09:14 PM

so um yeah... lol I think posts start to die over the weekends... cause the only reason I am on is because tibby is up on 4's ... (4 jackstands) sigh... I hate parts guys, if only they could get numbers right

Carrera 10-01-2006 10:44 PM

lol this idea is so gonna die... eh, ill keep working at it, then when I have some time ill start physically mapping it out

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