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Iago 11-06-2001 02:21 PM

Dumbest Thing what's the stupidest thing you've ever done in your car? You know what I'm talking about...the thing you did that you SHOULD have died from in a firey car accident, but somehow avoided by a stroke of last-minute luck?

I would have to say I have mine narrowed down to two things. One was trying to see what the top speed of my '91 Accord was when I first started driving at 16. I was on a newly built and still mostly unused freeway by my house (JVX - 161). I got up to about 120 before the freeway ended and forced me onto the onramp. I don't reccomend going through construction-mandated turns like that at 100mph...I overcompensated for the curve of the ramp, started to fishtail, and plowed into a huge mound of dirt leftover from construction. I got out to look at the damage, which was miraculously minimal, and took a closer look at the situation. I hit the corner of the dirt-mound. Three feet in the near direction, and I would have missed it completely and shot over the edge of the ramp into about a 50-foot valley. eek.gif

Other stupid thing I did....played too much GTA and GTA2 in college. It really does start to affect your driving if you aren't careful. I was coming home after going to see opening night of Episode 1. I came up to a blind intersection with stopsigns. I stopped and proceeded to make my turn. Around the blind corner was a police cruiser, who claimed to see me coast through my stop. There was no way he would have seen me at the actual stop because of the blindness of the I can understand, although it WAS his misjudgement. Anyway, I didn't find this out right away, because as soon as he hit his lights, GTA took over and I floored it and took off into an apartment complex, before common sense could resume control. D'OH! I stopped and he of coure accused me of trying to run and proceeded to run every check possible on my license, my plates, my VIN, and my insurance. I told him that, since I hadn't done anything wrong at the stopsign, I didn't think that he was coming after me, and that's why I didn't stop. Blatant lie. But, somehow, it worked. When all the checks on me came up clean, he gave me a dirty look, told me I was spewing complete bullshyt, flicked my driver's license at me, and stormed off. Again.... eek.gif eek.gif eek.gif

hyundai jvx 11-06-2001 02:38 PM

I went 55 through a school zone a couple days ago, (Iago - Northgate by Thomas Haley) I was lucky because no cops were around, I drove through looked and saw "School Zone Ends" I was like eek.gif

Guilty 11-06-2001 03:45 PM

I tried to out run the police once in a Toyota Tercel. :D It was pretty cool until they caught me. They didn't do anything except call my parents at 3 in the morining and by the time I got home my dad was gone. Went out looking for me and he got home he was pissed off. Oh well it was a lesson well taught.

cklawon 11-12-2001 04:12 PM

Once I tried to flee from the police in my first car...a 89 Cutlass Sierra!!! I saw him pull out and he started to follow me. He was a couple miles behind me so I decided that I would try to get away and I quickly pulled into a parking lot thinking that he wouldnt see me and that I could get out by ways of another exit. Stupid plan!!! The only way out was the way I came in!!! He ended up pulling in the parking lot and pulling me over. I thought I was going to get screwed up by the officer so I began to get very nervous(I had never been pulled over before that incident). I came up with a stupid excuse saying my sis got sick and I was turning around to drop her back off. Well after he checked all my stuff he let me go. The reason he began to follow me was to let me know I had a headlight out.

The Steve 11-15-2001 02:38 PM

Well, the list is long.... but heres the one i can think of right now

Started being chased going 95 in a 45 (its not speeding at 4am), he was an idiot, and turned his lights on in a parking lot, with a concrete obstacle between him and me. I slowed the corolla down, and tore rubber into a VERY nearby residential area, where I then turned into a sidestreet and parked in someones driveway. Luckily, another car was driving in the direction that looked most obvious, and my car was blocked by a Surburban,so our friend in blue took after Mr wrong-place-at-wrong-time, and I took the other way out, only about a mile from my house, where I parked in the garage. Did I mention I'm an idiot? and lucky?

the others are just as stupid but not as fun to reminesce about

The Steve 11-15-2001 02:39 PM

Well, the list is long.... but heres the one i can think of right now

Started being chased going 95 in a 45 (its not speeding at 4am), he was an idiot, and turned his lights on in a parking lot, with a concrete obstacle between him and me. I slowed the corolla down, and tore rubber into a VERY nearby residential area, where I then turned into a sidestreet and parked in someones driveway. Luckily, another car was driving in the direction that looked most obvious, and my car was blocked by a Surburban,so our friend in blue took after Mr wrong-place-at-wrong-time, and I took the other way out, only about a mile from my house, where I parked in the garage. Did I mention I'm an idiot? and lucky?

the others are just as stupid but not as fun to reminesce about

TibbyGrrl 11-16-2001 04:07 AM

I'd have to say that'd the stupidist thing I ever did was start oN fire while driving the road. All I have to say is good thing my dad made me keep that dorky fire extinguisher in my trunk!

don't ask how i started on fire either!!! tongue.gif

Max_Kool 11-16-2001 04:17 AM

I've done only 2 stupid things to my cars in my life.

1.- My first car when I was 17, I had a pimped out Ford Tempo, and was on my way to pick up a new stereo sys. I ordered. As I was driving, I saw some hotties walking down the street, so I hung a bit out the window, yelled to the ladies, didn't realize I was driving through a stop sign, and a van hit me, flipped my car and totalled it. Totalled the van too. It hurt. I didn't get the girls phone numbers either.

2- Second thing, I hate spiders. I was driving to the grocery store when I noticed a bigg azz spider in the back of my car (1982 Ford EXP). I stopped the car in the middle of the road, grabbed a lighter and a can of starting fluid, got out the car , opened the hatch, and lit the spider on fire. Unfortunately, the rest of my car caught on fire and became a flaming mess until the fire dept. came and put it out. I pretended like nothing happened and told them a wire must have shorted out. I think I missed the spider too.


JAWS 021 11-16-2001 04:18 AM

how did the fire start??? :D :D :D

ive ran from cops on 2 occasions.
once in my 89 sentra,... my excuse was that i thought he was going fast because he had a call ( i was in an alley). my top speed was 70,... which was pretty kool
i got away with a fix it ticket.

the second time was in my tibby.
i was racing a nice looking integra when the cop came out of a residentual street. i turned left and the integra turned right. the cop followed the integra "wheew"

1FSTSHRK 11-16-2001 04:28 AM

Well I have a long list too but I got arrested once kinda. I was racing a grand am in my civic. I knew the kids and we were goofing around. I flew up on his ass beeping and flashing my lights. Well we came around a corner and it starts this long downhill and a curve at the bottom. Well about halfway down the hill I started to pass him. (no passing zone) Well just b4 the turn at the bottom I got in front of him. It's a sharp 90 degree turn to the left so it was tight. I was doing 60 when I made it and had the car on two wheels. I had a lot of suspension work done. Well he doesn't have anything done to the car and needless to say couldn't make the turn. He crashed into the side of a bar at the bottom totalling his car. I didn't know he hit the building so I kept going. I kept looking up to see where they were and they weren't coming so I figured I would turn around and find out. Well the cops yanked me out of the car when I got back and slapped 5 citations on my ass totalling about $2000 and losing my license for quite a few years. The kids told the cops that I cut them off and that's why they crashed. Well I fought the tickets and my laywer ripped the driver a new one and I ended up winning. I only got two citations one for passing in a no passing and one for overtaking a vehicle on the left which is the same thing. I got a $140 fine and 6 points on my license. I had to take a test but it was all good. I still to this day can't belive that I won that in court.

MajinCthonian 11-16-2001 04:42 AM

My "oh $hit" story:
I was messing with some tailgater who tore up behind me during rush hour on the NY Thruway. He came up real fast, then basically sat on my bumper as if I could go someplace. Anyway, as soon as I cleared room on the right, I slammed my brakes, then floored it in my old autotragic Elantra and sped off down the highway, royally pissing the guy off. Just as I was getting to my exit, the guy had sped up and followed me to the right (I was in the exit lane at this point, he was in the right lane). He started gesturing at me, so I braked and pulled a hard left and aimed for his rear quarter panel. He freaked out and had to stop on the shoulder a few hundred feet later (I saw him there a little later after my smooth move), and I overcompensated and spun 180 to face into fairly heavy, fast-moving rush hour traffic eek.gif hee hee. I'm really lucky. Don't know how I did it, but I managed to floor it (going the wrong way on a 3 lane highway) and pull onto my exit ramp.

About a month and a half later my torque convertor blew up... I'm sure it was somehow realted to this major foul up. Cost me $2500 to get repairs, but if the shop didn't do such a crappy job, I would never have traded my Elantra in for my Tibby smile.gif

Lt. Roasta Botch 11-16-2001 06:05 AM

picture these...

i was 17 going on a job interview set up by my school and it was kinda in a part of town i never been to. i was listening to my favorite song on the tape deck of my mom's hyundai excell as a petered along (everyone knows your favorite song makes you speed). well all of a sudden i see my turn coming up. i'm doing about 45-60 and my turn is a 90 degree right turn in a completely stock car. i have about 100ft to make a decision, and of course i chose wrong. i hit the brakes to threshold and begin to turn the wheel. i woulda made it but the tires didn't grip and the car did a four wheel drift almost into a stop sign. lucky for me there wasn't anybody there. the worst thing is that the place i was going to was right on the corner and they saw EVERYTHING. i parked in the back and tried to play it cool but needless to say i didn't get the job.

oh i thought of another one. this was eariler this year...the light had turned green and the car in front of me wasn't moving AT ALL. i was getting pissed so i blowed my horn but they just sat there. so i pulled into the other lane and floored it (first time my lil kia peeled out). but again here is ANOTHER 90 degree turn. this time its a left. i make the turn this time (with tire protest) but in slow motion i could see the fear in the pedestrians eyes that were on the sidewalk. i decided to never do anything like that again, especially where peds are around.

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