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UrS0NvS 09-27-2010 10:49 PM

Cop Drives 126mph While Texting, Kills Teen Girls

Everyone should be well aware of the dangers associated to talking on the phone while driving. But something that should be completely banned is using a cell phone to text or email while driving.

Sadly, despite this being illegal in many states, an Illinois state trooper wasn't practicing any semblance of common sense and ended up killing two teen girls and injuring another two.

Former Illinois State trooper Matt Mitchell was driving at 126 mph on Interstate 64 while emailing/texting his girlfriend on his phone. In his state, he crossed over the median and crashed head-on to another car, killing sisters Kelli and Jessica Uhl and injuring Kelly and Christine Marler, of Fayetteville. Mitchell sustained severe injuries to his leg.

Mitchell was suspended with pay for two years on his $68,000 annual salary. After pleading guilty to criminal charges, Mitchell resigned from the state police. His guilty plea landed him 30 months probation.

Now Mitchell is filing for worker's compensation, which could result in him receiving tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars, which are non-taxable.

Discuss this a bit shall we?

Mr. Muffin 09-27-2010 11:49 PM

2 years paid vacation...?
and he wants more cause he cant work...
whos to say he didnt do it on purpose...

azngoose 09-28-2010 12:11 AM

I might sound ignorant but this just gives me another reason to hate cops. To serve and to protect my ass. . . . they own serve and protect themselves. It gets lame hearing all these stories of cops that think they can do the stuff they pull other people over for and not face the same sort of consequences. This guy should be put in jail for homicide.

HyundaiKitCoupe 09-28-2010 06:10 AM

Must be some good lawyers. That I all I gotta say.

StrikeEagle 09-28-2010 06:21 AM

This is not involuntary manslaughter. This is homocide. Homocide, especially homocide x2 = life in prison or death penalty. You don't get away with 30 months probation for murdering 2 people.

Wow, this is really burning me up...

SR Tech 09-28-2010 06:59 AM

WTF was he doing driving 126mph!?

I couldn't agree more with goose. I see them all the time here...talking on the cell phone while driving (which i found out is LEGAL for THEM to do), no blinker lane changes, driving as fast as they want to, blowing through red lights while just popping the cherries on for a second. Just yesterday I had a cop fly up on me doing well over 90 on the interstate and cut me off without a blinker or lights so he could make his exit.

This is just BS though, the parents of those sisters will not sleep at night knowing they lost their daughters and the man who killed them is sitting at home with a minor sore from his slap on the wrist while bathing in their and everyone else's tax dollars.

end rant/

Cujo 09-28-2010 07:35 AM

F#$% the police

DTN 09-28-2010 08:40 AM

Obviously, there is a slant on this story. I am not going to discuss it as there are no details, only slanted facts and half-truths in this story.

UrS0NvS 09-28-2010 11:09 AM

^^^ i'm going to search for more articles on this when i get off of work today.

Stocker 09-28-2010 12:16 PM

If you hate on the police because they are the police, you are a fool who has not spent time in a country without an effectual police force.

If you txt ur gf at 126MPH you are a fool also.

Being a cop does not prevent stupidity.

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