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EL Tiburon 04-17-2003 02:06 PM

$80,000 slow
Check it out

turbulence 04-17-2003 04:04 PM

owned "so that's how slow $80,000 is" owned
lol lol lol lol

mmm, that silvia is suweet. bow_down

[ April 17, 2003, 11:07 PM: Message edited by: turbulence ]

lantraluvr 04-17-2003 10:41 PM

Nice vid.

Random 04-18-2003 12:01 AM

Fricking retards street racing. f_you_ma fyou_hap beat_dow thumbs_d flaming_ :mad:

turbulence 04-18-2003 05:20 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>Random:
Fricking retards street racing. f_you_ma fyou_hap beat_dow thumbs_d flaming_ :mad: </div>gay
come on, what's the point of having all that power if you can only use it when you go to the track. sometimes, you've gotta seize the opportunity, like when an nsx pulls up next to you and you pull it. lol

Random 04-18-2003 06:26 AM

what's the point in having all that power unless you are wise enough to use it properly. Did you WATCH that video? Where they go speeding by the van after crossing 2 lanes?

I stand my my earlier comment.
Fricking retards street racing. f_you_ma fyou_hap beat_dow thumbs_d flaming_ :mad:

Read this topic and maybe you will change your tune.

Street racing is NEVER acceptable. Take it to the track, or drive a yugo if you can't control your testosterone level. f_you_ma

blue2000 04-18-2003 07:12 AM

I'm in agreement with Random. Street racing is stupid.

Hootie 04-18-2003 09:56 AM

Ladies and gentleman. Today was a sad day for me and my shipmates on the USS PORT ROYAL. Today we had a memorial service for my friend, Sean P. McNamara, who died while performing the foolish stunts as displayed in that video clip. Doesn't matter what caused the accident. The common denominator was that he was racing on the street which resulted in his untimely death. Any form of racing that is not sanctioned and that is illegal is dumb. There is no cute girl at the finish line with a bottle of champagne and check waiting for you. There are no accolades other than bragging rights. The last time I checked, bragging rights doesn't pay the bills.

Keep it off the streets people. Vids like that have never been and will never be impressive to me.

Street racing is gay

[ April 18, 2003, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Hootie ]

hyundai jvx 04-18-2003 10:06 AM

I'm with Hootie.


DJ Nogo 04-18-2003 10:17 AM

i'm in agreeance with this also frown

rubenz2K1 04-18-2003 12:05 PM

damn that nissan is awesome. jaw_drop

turbulence 04-21-2003 01:32 PM

let me revise my comment. street racing is stupid on crowded streets, where others are endangered. but i've seen bad sh*t happen on a drag strip, and i knew a guy who died on a drag strip, in a track-only car with a rollcage and all of the precautionary measures. sh*t can happen anywhere. if two guys wanna go out to a road in the groves, by themselves, why shouldn't they be able to, just as long as no one else is endangered.

Random 04-21-2003 04:24 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>turbulence:
if two guys wanna go out to a road in the groves, by themselves, why shouldn't they be able to, just as long as no one else is endangered. </div>Uh, you became psychic when? How are you going to know if a wild animal is going to cross one of the cars paths causing them to veer and cause an accident. How are you going to know if someone decides to make a left hand turn in front of the racers? How are you going to know when the "unforseen" happens and be prepared for it?

As you put it so correctly.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>turbulence:
sh*t can happen anywhere.</div>At least at a sanctioned event there are emergency medical personnel nearby, saftey precautions have been taken (that Siliva wanna be and that NSX didn't have roll cages).

**** can happen ANYWHERE, but it is 100000000000 times more likely to happen ON THE STREET. Count how many drivers and "bystanders" die/get injured in street racing accidents vs how many pro drivers and "bystanders" die/get injured at sanctioned events. No contest.

Hootie 04-21-2003 06:15 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>turbulence:
if two guys wanna go out to a road in the groves, by themselves, why shouldn't they be able to, just as long as no one else is endangered.</div>Maybe because it's ILLEGAL? Huh? Ya think? thumbs_d

Apples and oranges referring to track and street racing.

TibGrrl 04-21-2003 07:08 PM

"No man lives on an island"

meaning no one is truly alone... no one dies without making some sort of impact. When you street race even in the best conditions where you can't hurt anyone but yourself, you STILL increase the odds of you getting seriously hurt over the odds of the same event on a track by a whole lot. Fortunatly for selfish you, there are people who care about you. Ever consider them whilst engaging in such foolishness? From the second you are born, you start affecting people. (actually, you start affecting someone from the moment you are conceived....)

Funny that the same arguments for convincing someone NOT to commit suicide apply so greatly to street racing as well. Just when you attempt suicide, at least you aren't so ignorant of the outcome. It is still just as stupid.

[ April 22, 2003, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: TibGrrl ]

2K3GT/2K Wagon 04-22-2003 07:51 AM

TibGirl's right. frown

turbulence 04-22-2003 08:32 AM

yes, and everything we all do affects people. by not trading in my tiburon for a hybrid vehicle (producing less harmful exhaust) and putting a non-carb approved turbo on it, i'm polluting the air, ruining the envirionment for everyone. now everyone breathes dirty air because of me. when we all drive 5 mph over the speed limit, we are being wreckless, because the city has deemed a certain speed the LIMIT for that particular road, and we, in our selfish hurries, have decided that we know better and have better control over our cars than the city thinks we have, so we can go a little faster. oh, wait, what if i'm going 5 UNDER the speed limit and a kid rides his bike out from behind a bush and i hit and kill him. then the argument could be made that if i had been speeding, i would have passed that point in time before that kid came out from the bush, thus preventing his death. all i'm saying is, those guys in the video are stupid for racing on a crowed street, but in fl, at 2 in the morning, when the street racers gather on the roads way out west of town by the groves, there are about 10 people per square mile, and they're not out and about. sh*t can happen under sanctioned circumstances, under normal circumstances, and under any circumstance. i only advocate street racing when the conditions are most appropriate.

tibgrrl, how's life in america junior? poke

[ April 22, 2003, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: turbulence ]

TheWickedestOne 04-22-2003 09:12 AM

Hey, look, turbulence is making valid points.

Every little thing you do, from getting out of bed in the morning to driving your car is causal in both your own death and the death of everybody else. If you don't want to get killed by street racers, and if you don't want your friends and family to get killed by street racers, then don't leave the house. The racer is no more infringing upon your life than you are his by telling him not to race.

DJ Nogo 04-22-2003 09:18 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>Random:
How are you going to know if a wild animal is going to cross one of the cars paths causing them to veer and cause an accident. How are you going to know if someone decides to make a left hand turn in front of the racers? How are you going to know when the "unforseen" happens and be prepared for it?</div>who's seen both wild animals somehow get on drag strips and cars from the other lane on a drag strip go out of control and cross into the other lane? i have...

blue_streak666 04-22-2003 02:48 PM

The points that are being made both for and against street racing are valid. Yes, it does kill people. That is an undisputable fact.

I want to make it clear at this point that I do not promote street racing, but it does happen and will continue to happen as long as there are cars on the road.

My personal take on things comes in with the mentality that I have during a race (be it street or track). During a race, my focus and concentration on my suroundings are much more hightened than they would be under normal driving conditions. Usually, the music goes off, and all of your attention is focused on the functions of your car, and more importantly, the road ahead.

Of course, I cannot speak for all drivers in this matter, as there are many who do not understand the limits of their cars, and that of themselves, and are therefore an even greater risk to the whole situation.

Yes, street racing is dangerous. Is it acceptable? In most cases, probably not. However, I consider distracted drivers (ie: talking on a cell phone) to be just as, if not more dangerous to the general populace.

Sorry for the ramblings... just my thoughts...

[ April 22, 2003, 09:50 PM: Message edited by: blue_streak666 ]

Hootie 04-22-2003 05:46 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>blue_streak666:

My personal take on things comes in with the mentality that I have during a race (be it street or track). During a race, my focus and concentration on my suroundings are much more hightened than they would be under normal driving conditions. </div>*coughBULL****cough* On the street, regardless of how much you concentrate, you CANNOT anticipate another car traveling into your path or any other happenstance when you are careening down a street in a race that will net you absolutely NOTHING if you win.

Originally posted by turbulence
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'> i only advocate street racing when the conditions are most appropriate.</div>There are no APPROPRIATE conditions on which to street race.

Just my thoughts. wink

Mike Free 04-22-2003 09:10 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>DJ Nogo:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>Random:
How are you going to know if a wild animal is going to cross one of the cars paths causing them to veer and cause an accident. How are you going to know if someone decides to make a left hand turn in front of the racers? How are you going to know when the "unforseen" happens and be prepared for it?</div>who's seen both wild animals somehow get on drag strips and cars from the other lane on a drag strip go out of control and cross into the other lane? i have... </div>That's all well and good, but who's seen a sanctioned drag strip lined with parked cars, with oncoming traffic in the other lane, pedestrians, cross traffic, and potholes?

Don't street race, it's stupid.

Kidd Supreme 04-22-2003 09:32 PM

I guess I'm stupid and a retard... or use to be one I should say. I did it a long time ago. Only on deserted open areas though. The only reason I think I stopped was as time went on, didn't have the same appeal as it use to. That and seeing numerous accidents and deaths, plus some people doing some crazy $#!t on the roads. After awhile, you get a better understanding of the risk you put yourself in. With that said, I do miss watching the street races. People can say how bad it is, but most of the time, the street racing isn't the main reason people come to the races. Mostly its just a gathering place for like minded people to talk and relate about a passion they have. Of course, there are better avenues to express such passion, but that's another discussion. My condolences to your shipmate Hootie.

turbulence 04-22-2003 11:18 PM

i would be satisfied if those who are agains street racing would agree that talking on a cell phone, eating, puting on makeup, looking at a map, etc..., all while driving, are just as dangerous as street racing. i don't expect all of us to agree, especially on street racing, but can we at least agree on the other distractions being just as dangerous?

Hootie 04-23-2003 12:10 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>turbulence:
i would be satisfied if those who are agains street racing would agree that talking on a cell phone, eating, puting on makeup, looking at a map, etc..., all while driving, are just as dangerous as street racing. i don't expect all of us to agree, especially on street racing, but can we at least agree on the other distractions being just as dangerous?</div>I'd feel much safer following behind a overland truck driver who's been up 10 hours at night, talking on his cell, changing the radio station, getting a hummer from a lot lizard, while trying to put ketchup on a hot dog than I would on a street with 2 amatuer street racers weaving in and out of traffic.

Do you know what the latest reports regarding the cause of most accidents is, (CNBC report)? It's not cell phones, putting on make up, changing the radio, etc. It's DISTRACTIONS OUTSIDE OF THE CAR. dunno

TibGrrl 04-23-2003 02:16 AM

Distractions are all dangerous but none are quite so dangerous as wanton foolishness and out of control behavior. I wouldn't equate street racing with distractions such as cell phones and the like, but more along the same lines as drunk driving.

FYI, turbulence... if you hit a child on a bike, you going 5 under the speed limit, your chances of killing him or seriously injuring him are very slim... especially if said child is wearing a helmet. Even if he isn't, you are more likely to break his wrist by him using it as an impact deterrent against the pavement then hurt him in any other way. That being said, I never go the speed limit on side streets where there is even the slightest bit of child-play around the road. Children are notorious, even the most street wise/best road safety educated ones, for making mistakes like running after a basketball into a street. I have AMAZINGLY fast reflexes but I would feel eternally guilty for hurting something that is so precious and ignorant as as a child.

Not sure who to direct this one to:

As for your arguments, there are other things that hurt/kill/have a negative impact, those are all issues we deal with on a daily basis and if you can be SO callous as to make them seem like light issues, then I can see why we are all in trouble. Our hemisphere has a serious case of selfishness and me-itis. I am glad that I think more globally than you. You and the likes of you will be the cause of all of our demise. I compare the condition of things of now compared to when I was a teenager and I am filled with sorrow and rage. We are self-destructing and no one who has the power is willing to stop it. ( Did you know yesterday was Earth Day? Did you care? Did you change anything? )

But all of that is a rant for another day, another topic and maybe another forum where I will encounter more enlightened people who are perhaps older and more mature than you. Look back at your posts when you are closer to 30, or when you start to have children of your own and see just how juvenile your responses are.

Try to argue with me, and I will counter you with just the same response you see here.

THere is a reason why the majority of "older" people don't street race... it isn't because they are boring or don't like speed, but because they are wiser and have seen more than you have. THey have a better idea of cause and effect and have more respect for their lives and the lives of others... not just out of sheer and simple regard, but also because they are not so ignorant. Now, before you misconstrue the word "ignorant," it doesn't mean stupid.... it implies lack of knowledge. We are all ignorant in some way or another. I am particularly ignorant when it comes to the young male mind.

Okay, final point... infringing on the right to street race!?!? WTF! That is the stupidest thing I have ever read in a public forum. You and my governement are infringing on my right to kill my neighbour because he pisses me off. You are infringing on my right to own my ideal home theater because you don't pay me enough. gawd!

[ April 23, 2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: TibGrrl ]

Random 04-23-2003 06:31 AM

Okay folks you are either being intentionally stupid, or arguing just for the sake of arguing.

Mike Free-
Yes, wild animals do get onto 'real' drag strips, but again, it happens about 10000000 times LESS often at REAL drag strips than on the street.
Yes, cars veer into the others lane at 'real' drag strips, but again, it happens about 100000 time less often at REAL drag strips that on the street.

Nothing in life is risk free. NOTHING. Wiping your *** has a risk of rectal infection. NOTHING is risk free. However, the point is. Who decides the risk.

When you street race, you are risking the lives of yourself (okay, you decided to do it), and the other race(okay, he decided to race you), but you are also risking the life of EVERY OTHER person watching the race (okay, they decided to be there)...but, you are also risking the life of every other person on that road. regardless of if they knew/know there is drag racing going on. You have NO RIGHT to make that risk decision for them.

If you race at a real drag strip, you remove the ability to take/make risk decisions for others. Everyone at that event is there by choice, who went there knowing that drag racing was going on. They went there knowing what the risks are.

Again, there are Always risks, and ANY TIME, ANY TIME you take the risk decision away from someone are wrong.

Your lame attempts at "justifying" street racing disgust me. I mean really f-ing disgust me. Honestly. You are really disgusting. For a nights fun, you are willing to risk others lives that don't know what's at stake. That's disgusting, and pathetic.

You somehow equate going 5 miles over the speed limit to street racing? No. Not even close. Take any freeway. ANY freeway. Go 5 mph over the speed limit. Worse problem? Speeding ticket, possible accident, 1 in 10,000 chance of a fatality. (Check your statistics)

Okay, not take a 2 lane road. Put someone in the "other" lane going the wrong way (2 cars lined up) put speeds 40-80 mph OVER the speed limit. Problems? Street racing tickets, reckless/careless driving tickets, speeding tickets, possible accident 1 in 10 chance of fatality. (when speeds are significantly over the posted limit, fatality stats go through the roof).

Now...tell me again how your street racing is harmless. Tell me again what a "conscientious" street racer you are. Do you tell your insurance company you street race? I didn't think so. Do you realize that if you get into an accident street racing, not only can your insurance company drop you, they can refuse to pay for the damages and medical expenses? That means you, and your family will be financially responsible for paying off your car loan, your medical bills, the cost of the other car you hit, and the medical bills of the other person, or their funeral expenses. Not comes the civil suit. Now the "other" family has the right to sue you and your family for MILLIONS in damages for hurting or killing their family member.
All that for a night of fun.

You ****ing disgust me You really do. You careless, self centered, egotistical bastards. You want to take the risk of ruining 2 families. One through injury or death, and the other financially just for one night of fun.

You have no right to make that decision for others, or your families. And if you think you do have that right, you are even more pathetic than I thought possible.

Tib in CB 04-23-2003 06:45 AM

Link isn't working for me...

Street racing is stupid, IMHO. I drive "spiritedly" but never illegally. I don't run against others, I don't go fast. I will take it up to the limiter in first and maybe second, but, I am still only going the speed limit, and I don't do it against other cars or even if other cars are around. Interstate on ramps work for me. I get to 70 and take it easy from there.

All I can say is take it to the track. Controlled environments are the best place to test your abilities against someone anyway.

I hate to take my car out on a Friday or Saturday night because I have people coming up next to me and revving all evening. What a PITA. Don't they see that I have someone riding with me? Even if I did street race, never ever would I do it with someone else in my car. It is my choice to endanger my life, but not anyone elses. Well, I have rambeled enough, someone let me know if the link gets working again.

hyundai jvx 04-23-2003 07:59 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>It is my choice to endanger my life, but not anyone elses. </div>Problem is that when you race on public roads, everyone on the road who isn't a part of your race is in danger.

This topic is dumb, trying to prove that street racing is so safe at the right times in the right places is pointless.


DJ Nogo 04-23-2003 08:23 AM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>turbulence:
tibgrrl, how's life in america junior? poke </div>hehe......i just saw that. man i wish i had my bin laden "death to america junior" pic now dunno

Mike Free 04-23-2003 09:19 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>Random:

Mike Free-
Yes, wild animals do get onto 'real' drag strips, but again, it happens about 10000000 times LESS often at REAL drag strips than on the street.
Yes, cars veer into the others lane at 'real' drag strips, but again, it happens about 100000 time less often at REAL drag strips that on the street.

Nothing in life is risk free. NOTHING. Wiping your *** has a risk of rectal infection. NOTHING is risk free. However, the point is. Who decides the risk.</div>Why are you chiding me? I didn't say that, I was chiding the person who did, DJ Nojo. I said, in response to him,

"That's all well and good, but who's seen a sanctioned drag strip lined with parked cars, with oncoming traffic in the other lane, pedestrians, cross traffic, and potholes?

Don't street race, it's stupid."

In response to his "who's seen both wild animals somehow get on drag strips and cars from the other lane on a drag strip go out of control and cross into the other lane? i have..."

Jeez, fer chrissakes, I'm on your side. dunno

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