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HellBilly 01-25-2012 12:11 PM

Why I Hate Politicians
So the state of the union address was last night, and let's just say I was less than impressed. Now let me say I did vote for Obama, but that was only because we live in a two party system and McCain was a bigger joke than Jimmy Carter. I shouldn't even be calling these people out by name, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are the jokes in general.

I will give Obama credit for calling out the congress for never getting anything done because they are too busy standing on their side of the fence pointing fingers, and he did say it was both parties.

But its all smoke and mirrors. Out of Iraq? Tell that to the thousands of troops still stationed there. Out of Afghanistan? Neither will ever happen, we will always have soldiers there protecting "American Government Interests".

Notice the distinction? They like to say American Interests, but they are the interest of the Government only. Outside of oil, the opium fields, the foothold in the middle east, the list could go on.

They are all crooks, they all have special interests. Who would I like to see president? Ron Paul. Why? Because he is the only one that has consistently voted with the constitution as his guide. You know that thing our forefathers wrote that our entire country is supposed to be based on? He is really the only non-politician politician we have. His son Rand is a close second, but Rand is not running for president.

Look at the end of the day I know he is a politician too, but until we have a revolution in this country that will never change. So the best hope for this country is someone who does not take special interests (not a single one), does not listen to lobbyists, and has the conviction to run this country on the tenants that it is based on. Do I think he can do everything he says he can? No of course not, the President is only as powerful as the congress and senate allows him to be. But he does not bullshit, he does not lie, and he does not sugar coat sh*t.

End of the day this country needs a revolution, we need to restore this country to what it once was. Obama gave a great speech last night, and I believed absolutely zero of it. The media which is run by the government is continuously undermining Ron Paul (who is really a Libertarian not a Republican, but he knows how to play the game), changing facts and numbers from the primaries to make it look like it is only between Newt and sh*t Romney, but they can't even get their facts strait.

As long as big business, the Fed, and foreign oil runs this country we are screwed. Ron Paul is the one guy who sees this and wants to correct it. The others are more concerned about their pocket book. NOBAMA included.

I don't see Ron Paul winning the Republican ticket, because they are too afraid of what he will do to their bank accounts. He will most likely run as a Libertarian once one of those puppets gets the nod.

He will have my vote no matter what.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Whatnot 01-25-2012 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by HellBilly (Post 648451)
McCain was a bigger joke than Jimmy Carter.

Thoughts? Opinions?

A joke? How so? That is probably the most proud American who ever ran for presidency. Do you realize what he did for our his fellow men? Having 2 broken arms, a leg, and, crushed shoulder, and stab wounds, losing 50 lbs, being tortured for 2+ years and having an oportunity to be free.....but turning it down unless everyman captured before you goes first! And still recieving hourly beatings daily for years to come. A joke? Following something called the "Code of Conduct" How much more would he follow and defend the "Constitution" I hope you are just ignorant of that info... How anyone can not have the utmost respect for that man I will never understand!

Though yea, Ron Paul 2012.....Though it will never happen.

StrikeEagle 01-25-2012 12:55 PM

Couldn't agree more. Obama has proven that he can't keep simple campaign promises (whatever happened to not raising taxes on ANYONE??? Now he's trying to raise it on the successful people in america!), and has no idea how to keep unemployment down, stimulate the economy, or wage wars overseas. He must be a 1-term president; we can't afford another term of this or we won't have a country left.

Can't say I'm the biggest Ron Paul supporter, but compared to Gingrich (how in the world did he even make it this far???) and Romney (democrat running on the republican ticket); RON PAUL 2012!

The media knows he's their biggest threat, which is why you get statistics like this (from a major news network):

1st (22%): Mitt Romney

2nd (23%): Ron Paul

Do whaaaaattt?????

HellBilly 01-25-2012 04:32 PM

Originally Posted by Whatnot (Post 648452)
A joke? How so? That is probably the most proud American who ever ran for presidency. Do you realize what he did for our his fellow men? Having 2 broken arms, a leg, and, crushed shoulder, and stab wounds, losing 50 lbs, being tortured for 2+ years and having an oportunity to be free.....but turning it down unless everyman captured before you goes first! And still recieving hourly beatings daily for years to come. A joke? Following something called the "Code of Conduct" How much more would he follow and defend the "Constitution" I hope you are just ignorant of that info... How anyone can not have the utmost respect for that man I will never understand!

Though yea, Ron Paul 2012.....Though it will never happen.

I apologize as I am not refering to his service to our country, but more his political record. I was not ignorant of what happened to him, I just was focusing on polotics and was not even thinking about his prior service. My bad.

Whatnot 01-25-2012 05:13 PM

Its all good, I still wouldn't all him a joke even politically. A president needs to be a good leader, I believe McCain was. His politcal advisors need the brains, they can explain the circumstances and factors, and advise, but we need a good leader, one who is proud to be an American, not running around the world apologizing for America. I think he would have made a fine president.

Stocker 01-25-2012 09:36 PM

McCain would have turned the ratchet more slowly than Obama, but turned it none the less. I'm beginning to think all the candidates suck this time around, but if we're going to have to vote for a kook, let it be one that will fix our domestic policy, so Paul.

Those of us paying attention knew it would be a campaign speech before the President opened his mouth. Today a local talk show host kept playing the sound byte that he thought was funniest, something like:

Obama: Send me a law prohibiting insider trading by congress

Congress :crickets:

Obama: and no lobbying! (please don't look at my cabinet!)

Congress :crickets:

I have veeeery faint hope that America can be salvaged from the people elected by the government-educated dumbmasses out there.

HellBilly 01-25-2012 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by Stocker (Post 648567)
McCain would have turned the ratchet more slowly than Obama, but turned it none the less. I'm beginning to think all the candidates suck this time around, but if we're going to have to vote for a kook, let it be one that will fix our domestic policy, so Paul.

Those of us paying attention knew it would be a campaign speech before the President opened his mouth. Today a local talk show host kept playing the sound byte that he thought was funniest, something like:

Obama: Send me a law prohibiting insider trading by congress

Congress :crickets:

Obama: and no lobbying! (please don't look at my cabinet!)

Congress :crickets:

I have veeeery faint hope that America can be salvaged from the people elected by the government-educated dumbmasses out there.

Well that I can agree with you, the way the system is right now is broken. Too many personal interests for both parties, and individually. It really is disgusting, but it just is the way it is. Yeah even if Paul gets elected he is going to face the same problem every President has to face, how the hell to get sh*t through the Congress and Senate when they are too busy blaming each other for all the issues, collecting special interest money, and never resolving anything.

wheel_of_steel 01-25-2012 10:36 PM

I don't follow american politics TOO closely, but Ron Paul does look respectable from what I have seen. The last person you want to lead a country is a hardliner on ANYTHING.

Red Raspberry 01-26-2012 02:17 AM

Here's a couple good reads.

The Political Party Illusion

The Demise of the Petrodollar

Stocker 01-26-2012 09:09 PM

I look at Paul like this: He might let the rest of the world turn into an even bigger seething ball of America-hating while we leave them alone, but he'd get us out of the 120 or whatever it is countries where we have people just cooling their heels waiting to be the world's police. Domestically, he'd shrink everything possible . . . and a lot would be more-easily possible than any time in recent memory.

The next Congress and Senate are going to be Republican majority in all likelihood. If you get a Republican president and they go to repeal obamacare and cut the Department of Education it's :beercheers: all around. You get a republican president and they go to start a needless war and it's :beercheers: all around. You get a republican president and they want to F over the whole country it's :beercheers: all around because "hooray for our side."

OTOH if Obama gets back in, it will be another four years of continuing resolutions and recess appointments against a Congress he can't get to do jack squat. I'm pretty sure it will mean a SCOTUS justice or two will be VERY badly selected (another reason to have no hope for the country) but other than that, I don't see him working much good OR bad with a contrarian congress.

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