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TheDonsWife 10-25-2010 11:03 PM

Anyone have their wisdom teeth pulled??
I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday, and I'm feeling anxious about it. I've never had surgery before. I was just wondering what other peoples stories are about it. One lady I work with got hers done and she said that when she woke up and took her first breath it was like she was coming back from the dead, but over all wasn't bad. What was everyone elses experiences like?

Stocker 10-26-2010 12:27 AM

Mine were pulled under general anesthesia while I was in the Navy. In the Navy, when you get sick, you go to hospital, get a note that you're at death's door, take it to your shop and get permission, and THEN go home and lie in bed all day.

My memory cuts out as I was counting down from ten in the surgical chair. It picks up again VERY fuzzy as I sat in my buddy's truck outside the gate at our squadron. He went in to take them my "sick in quarters" paperwork, and probably should have locked the truck's doors. I crossed two roads (not busy, fortunately) bombed out of my mind on pain meds, and he found me looking at the motorcycles in the motorcycle parking lot. Then there was a week I spent hi on I don't know what, in bed, then I probably put a hurt on my liver with Motrin until I felt better after I had to go back to work.

The surgery itself was a piece of cake. All four teeth were impacted quite badly, and I have some jacked up scars back there now, but all I had to do was trust the operating staff and pass out cold. Depending on your teeth, it might not be much worse than having a regular tooth extraction. Oh, and try Ibuprofen instead of Acetaminophen for tooth pain, if Tylenol doesn't seem to help after the surgery.

EclipseMTL 10-26-2010 12:46 AM

I had mine out last year, I opted to go under just because it was an extra 15$ and didn't want to see it happening. My wisdom teeth were the main cause of my teeth being all jacked up before braces, they were completely sideways. Either way, I woke up, forgot where I was and almost jacked the assistant in the face. I felt bad, but she said it happens more than you'd think. Two days later I was back at work, pain wasn't bad, and I didn't get the dreaded dry sockets. Just gotta be careful with the blood clots that form and listen to the doc, youll be okay! happy.gif

SR Tech 10-26-2010 04:55 AM

Got all 4 pulled, they had me on some good stuff.

Went back to work the next morning looking like a chipmunk

bdiggy 10-26-2010 05:54 AM

Started counting down, never made it to 10 before I was out, woke up with the nurse and my wife walking me to her car. Hurt a bit for the next couple of days only because I couldn't take the steroids they gave me. Steroids+diabetes=lose at blood sugar maintenance!

StrikeEagle 10-26-2010 06:38 AM

It was actually sort of fun! I laid back in the operating chair and they started juicing me up. I thought the ceiling was moving a little more than normal. (like a moving ceiling is normal at all) So I started to look around, and he's like "oh, we're done". I'm like "what? but you haven't even started??" Didn't even know I was out...
Mine were also impacted pretty badly, but had no problems afterwards. The next day I was tiling a backsplash above our tub.

Afterwards, just keep the sockets clean. You can eat and whatnot, but when you're done just rinse them out with the little syringe thing they give you, and rinse it in the morning and before you go to bed. The holes that will be there (and that will feel really weird the first few days) will either fill themselves in, or you won't notice them at all. That was my main concern, that I would have gaping holes that felt really weird. Such was not the case in the slightest.

It's really not bad at all. If they put you under, it'll be perfectly fine (and fun!). Percocet was the most amazing stuff, and just about the only thing that worked for me.

03-accent-03 10-26-2010 08:55 AM

I had all four out at once. They gave me some Valium for the night before and the morning of the surgery. I remember the first half of the car ride there, sitting in the chair getting the IV, then the mask. Next I knew, I was at home, in bed drugged off of my ass eating pudding.

List of great foods to have on hand (check with any list the doc gives you but, I can not stress the importance of VARIETY, I got so TIRED of chocolate pudding I didn't eat it for a year afterwards):
Instant Mashed Potatoes (or regular ones, but the instant are quicker and depending on which ones you get, taste the same)
Ice Cream
Soups without chunks (like tomato, chicken broth, etc)

Make sure to follow doc's orders; my brother didn't and ended up with a pea stuck in one of his sutures that caused a mild infection and wasn't fun.

TheDonsWife 10-26-2010 07:34 PM

It should be interesting. My upper ones are on my sinus cavities and they think the roots may have grown into them. So when they pull them they think I may have holes that they will have to deal with. My lower right one is completely sideways and pushing on my back molar and causing all kinds of problems. They said they hadn't seen the extreme like mine. They are going to have to take that one out in pieces. My lower left one they are leaving it in because at some time I lost a tooth and it was able to grow in correctly and has a chewing partner. I am hoping to be able to go back into work on thursday. My boss told me if i didn't I wouldn't have to answer the phone or deal with customers! HOORAY!!!! I'm a receptionist at a Title & Escrow company and we have been super busy. I feel kinda bad, but at the same time not so much. Thank you for all your in site on the subject. I will keep you guys updated after the surgery to let ya know how it goes. I am not as nervous now thought!!!! =)

majik 10-26-2010 07:45 PM

all 4 at once.

no problems with anesthesia, I think your coworker is a little overly dramatic. Waking up from the dead? Not likely, more like waking up from sleep.

It ain't no thang... just take care of your mouth afterwards. Dry sockets were the worst experience of my wisdom teeth.

iheartmyrd 10-26-2010 09:15 PM

I too had all four at once, you know how they say "close your eyes and count backwards from ten"

The doctor looked at me as i counted backwards from ten. and the last thing i remember him saying is stop fighting it.

i smiled then blacked out.

When the nurse woke me up i got up like i woke up from sleeping all night got in the wheel chair my self and got pushed out.
( they wouldnt let me walk)

when i left the doc said Dont take vicoden till after you sleep off the anesthesia you will puke.

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