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silvertibbs 06-06-2005 04:40 PM

Okay, where do I start. In January of this year I purchased some parts from a member on these forums. It was understood that the items would not be shipped out until the vehicles that the member was parting out were towed away and the parts I needed could be safely removed. I really didn't know how to bring this out so I thought I would post the entire conversation I have had with this member and see if that will speed the shipping of my parts. Also this is the most un-prejudice, and fair way I can see in doing this.

Keep in mind that in no way am I intending to ruin the reputation of anyone on these forums. This is basically the only means I can see that might envoke a resolution to my problems.

Here they are, in date order.

Re: Hubs - Spindles, Jan 6 2005, 12:47 AM
Okay sounds good, just thought I would throw that option out about meeting up. I think I'll take that bar too. Say 100 for everything shipped? Of course the bar might push the shipping to come out to more. If you can hold on to the stuff for a little bit I just paid for my manifold from Maintec so money is kinda tight right now. I get paid on the 15th or so and I can guarantee payment by then, I'm just not sure right now. If that's a problem lemme know I can swing it, but if you can wait that would be much appreciated.

For the record I'm not expecting it to be shipped until I pay obviously.

Here is the DIY I will be somewhat following. Just the spindle and hub is all I need. I'm sure you know what it is. Thanks.

<span style="color:blue">Re: Payment, Jan 17 2005, 03:06 PM
Well I'd prefer a money order. But if you absolutely can't send one then I can take paypal. But money orders are easier for me cause that way I have the money right then and there to ship it out, and its easier for me to keep track of things. But let me know if you wanna do paypal instead.

My address is:

(Adress Removed)


Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 20 2005, 10:15 PM
From reading the Hyundai Sunday thread I just thought I'd throw this idea out at you. Are you crossing into Ontario when you come up this month?? Cuz, honestly I'll meet up with you if you are, then you get more $$$ and I save a tiny bit.

There are three bridges, the Peace Bridge (Fort Erie), the Rainbow Bridge (Niagara Falls), and the Queenston/Lewiston Bridge (Queenston/Lewiston). If you're crossing at any one of these I'll meet you. The farthest one is 20 mins from my place. It'll only take about 5 mins out of your trip. I've got a good spot to meet for all three bridges and I'll assume you're crossing at the Queenston Lewiston Bridge. If not, cool, I'll send the MO and you can ship away. Just thought I'd throw that idea out there.

<span style="color:blue">Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 20 2005, 10:21 PM

Its a good idea but Im going to be traveling with my mother so Im actually not sure which way shes gonna be going, and shes not gonna wanna stop at all for me. Its no biggie for me to ship them. I dont mind at all. Just if you could PM me back with everything that you're buying so I can add it to the list of stuff I need to box up, lol


Hub/Spindle Assembly - Strut Bar, Jan 21 2005, 10:05 PM
Hey, wazup. You wanted me to let you know about what I was getting from you. It's basically in the subject. Hub/spindle assembly from BOTH sides, and the strut bar you sold in one of your other threads.

For some reason my check has not been put in my bank account yet I gotta take care of that on Monday, unfortunately I work tomorrow a.m. and the bank isn't open of Sunday. Go figure.

Guess it works out kinda well cause I read your thread about the cold weather (same here) so it must've been meant to be. It'll def be out on Tues or Wed, of this week.

<span style="color:blue">Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 26 2005, 10:44 PM

Ok I dont have the hubs and spindles yet, but I do have the strut bar and if you want I'll bring it with me and you can pay me in Candian $$ for it, and then just pay me for everything else later when I get them off the car. I'll be staying at the Best Western in Niagra Falls and my mom said it would be alright if you stopped by or we met up or something. Im leaving tomorrow and will be there until Sunday morning. So if you wanna arrange something, PM me back. I might not get back to you before we leave though so I'll give you my cell phone number so you can get in touch with me: 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX if I dont answer it leave me a message with your phone number. Im gonna bring the strut bar with me either way just in case you do wanna meet up.


Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 26 2005, 10:54 PM
Honestly I just sent my payment. My bank wanted to charge me 12.50 to get a MO. F that man, I sent some cash to you. If you want we can still meet up. Sucks, should be there by Friday but you never know nowadays. If it's cool I can still take the bar off your hands so you don't have to cart it around.'ll have to trust me on the money, as I sent it yesterday.

My cell is XXX-XXX-XXXX gimme a call when you get in the area. Hell......I'll be off and on here all day tomorrow a.m. from work I'll be there from 7am-3pm you can call me there at 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX, I'll answer, if you want we can sort this out. REAL tough to do with typing.

<span style="color:blue">Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 27 2005, 12:40 AM
Ok, I trust you on the money. I'll bring it and we'll get in touch to meet up. Id rather just give it to you while I can, lol.


Member </span>
Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 27 2005, 09:01 AM
Cool, I appreciate it. Gimme a call when you get settled. I work until 3pm both Sat and Sun so you can either call me there or leave a message on my cell.

<span style="color:blue">Re: Hubs/Spindles/Strut Bar, Jan 31 2005, 12:59 AM
Hey there,

Well wouldnt you know it, I ran out of minutes while I was up there. Im so sorry about that, and there was no way for me to get more b/c I dont have a credit card. Well good news is Im coming back up there at the end of the week, We are going to Oakville until Tuesday. So maybe this time we really can meet up. I'll PM you when I figure something out.


<span style="color:blue">Re: What's Up??, Mar 3 2005, 11:35 PM
Hey there,

I just wanted to get in touch with you about the parts I owe you. Im gonna go ahead and send you the strut bar this weekend. The other parts unfortunately I have to wait until right before the car is towed away, because I need to keep the wheels on it while its in my driveway. If you dont wanna wait (it'll be another couple of weeks) I'll be happy to refund the money for the other parts. Just let me know what you wanna do, and thanks for being patient.

Re: What's Up??, Mar 4 2005, 08:19 AM
Yeah, that's no problem at all. I realize your not a professional auto wrecker. You're basically doing me a favour so I'm cool with waiting. Just let me know when you send the other stuff.

Re: What's Up??, Mar 8 2005, 03:59 PM

Just wanted to let you know that I'm cool with waiting but if I can be a top priority. I have noticed my bearing on the front pass. side is getting worse. With cdog's mishap with the wheel falling off, I don't want this to happen to me, again. Please keep me on the top of the list. Thanks,

Tue, 12 Apr 2005 00:04:31 -0700 (PDT)

You've been gettin' some flak from people huh?

Oh well, I'm glad you posted your email addy, now I can bug you about my stuff. LOL

I noticed the other thread stating your getting everything together to tow the beasts away. Does this mean I can start my latest project?

Anyway, hope everything is going okay, I'm just bugging you to keep my name at least in the top half of your list. Hope to hear from you soon.

<span style="color:blue">Tue, 12 Apr 2005 20:31:28 -0700 (PDT)

Yup you're definetly first priority. What we're gonna
do is psuh the car out into the street so that way we
can put in on cinderblocks until it is towed. I
wouldve done that sooned but my mom just got the
driveway repaved and she would have KILLED me if I did
that, cause then the tow guy would have had to drag
the car out and it would leave huge marks in her brand
new driveway. LOL well thanks again so much for being
patient, if theres anything else you need that I can
throw in for free for you, just let me know.

Thanks again,

Wed, 13 Apr 2005 04:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
Cool cool, I'm getting excited for this, I have new rotors to put on now, I can start my turbo project now that I trust my car won't fall apart. LOL

Anyway thanks for the offer but I've got everything I need. Well, kinda, I was installing my haloz yesterday and lost the screw that keeps the corner connected to the headlight, if you have an extra one, it would be appreciated but only if you have an extra one.


Wed, 4 May 2005 18:50:01 -0700 (PDT)
Hey, what's up? Just wondering if you sent my stuff yet, if so I haven't received anything yet.

Wed, 11 May 2005 09:57:40 -0700 (PDT)
Checked the mail today, no luck. Any idea about this stuff, I was under the impression that you sent them away last week or so. If not just hit me back.

I've read you post's on RD, I mean no biggie, but updates are nice when you're waiting for parts.

<span style="color:blue">Wed, 11 May 2005 18:13:44 -0700 (PDT)
I know.

The strut bar will DEFINETLY be shipped once I get
paid in two days. I PROMISE you.

As for the hubs, Im so hesitant on shipping them
because i know its gonna be like $50 to ship them. I
would rather just refund you the money for them but I
know you've been waiting for them and really need

Let me see how much money I have to work with and what
I can do.

But I will definetly send you the strut bar.

Im so sorry for making you wait. I really feel
terrible, so many people hate me now. Im definetly
quiting the part out business after this is done.


Thu, 12 May 2005 08:38:55 -0700 (PDT)
I'll tell you what, if you can box 'em up and find out what shipping is, maybe we can work something out. Cause really, I have been waiting for the hubs/spindles, and to think that I've sat on my ass when I could have been looking for a wrecked 99+ for 4 months really gives me a sick feeling in my stomach.

You know I hate to be harsh, but I gave you $100 bucks, so you buying things or doing whatever with my money kinda makes me mad. And I think that is the reason a lot of people are getting upset. I understood that you needed the hubs to stay on the car, TOTALLY understandable. But the car is gone, and so is my money, ya know??

Anyway, see what the shipping is, if it is astronomical it wouldn't be any good for either of us. I'll check the wrecker's here in town to see if there has been a recent casualty as I have checked before, but you never know.

<span style="color:blue">Fri, 13 May 2005 11:27:05 -0700 (PDT)
No I'll send them. I'll get the boyfriend to take the
axles off, cause that I cant do myself. The strut bar
I will send out today, then hopefully the hubs on


<span style="color:blue">Fri, 13 May 2005 11:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
Oh yeah if you could just send me your address again,
I think I have it written down but just in case I cant
find it.


Fri, 13 May 2005 15:15:19 -0700 (PDT)
(Address Removed)

Like I said, keep me posted, very much apprciated Liz.

[<span style="color:blue">B]Thu, 19 May 2005 12:57:55 -0700 (PDT)[/B]

Alright, the strut bar is on its way to you. I sent it
on...Tuesday I think it was. So you will get it

As for the hubs, I ran out of money this week to ship
them, but even still I still need my boyfriend to get
the axles off. He tried but we might just bring them
to my mechanic. Anyway I will try my hardest to get
them shipped to you once I get my next paycheck, which
is a week from tomorrow. I will do everything I can to
make it happen. I just shipped Patreezy's hubs, and it
cost $50 for the both of them. So I can only imagine
what its gonna cost to ship them to Canada. Well
anyway I'll let you know.


Now I must admit, I was going to see if I could find a US address that these could be sent to, unfortunately these guys don't trust me enough I guess, and they won't do it. Plus it's a pretty big favour to ask.

Also, I have received the Strut bar as of 2 weeks ago. So it's only the hubs.

Alright so here is the thing, I sent money for parts that included shipping. Now they aren't being shipped because there is no money.

My biggest problem is just that. Where did the money go? I know there has been insurance issues, and car payments, but I don't remember signing up for another member help fund.

Hopefully this thread brings about a conclusion to this issue and not a war between myself and the other member involved. I have since sent an email to the member asking for an update. That was on the 3rd of this month. I prolly should have waited a bit longer for this but I can't I would really like to get these parts so I can safely drive my car.

Again, I'm not here to bash anyone or hurt anybody's feelings, I just need my parts.

Tibbychick 06-06-2005 04:51 PM

Listen, Ive explained this to you.

Its gonna cost me alot more than what I charged you to ship the hubs.

But Im ok with that, its my fault.

I sent you the strut tower bar with what little money I had a couple weeks ago when I was down to eating chips for lunch, thats how broke I was.

So now I started this new job, which I told you once I got my first paycheck Id send the hubs out.

First paycheck came, $290.

$220 went to my loan. So Im left with barely enough money for gas and food for the week.

This week its the same thing, cause Ive got car insurance to pay for.

Ok, so I know Im low on money. Ive been trying to sell other parts to make money so I can ship these things out.

But has that been sucessful? Nope. Not when youve got people telling you theyre gonna buy a whole bunch of bodyparts, and then back out.

I offered to refund your money a couple of times, you said no.

So I guess its either I refund you $60 (what I charged you for the hubs) or you wait another week. I'd be much happier sending you a refund with all the work its gonna take trying to get the axle off and then spending about $100 to ship them.

Let me know, I'll gladly send you your money back.

Im sorry it had to come to this, but Im in more debt than anyone can imagine right now. I have creditors and repo people to worry about right now. And trying to keep my head above water while slowly digging my way out.

So before we get everyone jumping on the lets bash Tibbychick bandwagon, I would ask that someone please close this. Silvertibbs, please contact me via PMs. I will answer them. If a moderator chooses to leave this open, so be it. I feel that my time around the Hyundai boards my be coming to an end soon anyway.

silvertibbs 06-06-2005 04:56 PM

Closing this would prolly be the best option. I never intended this to bring bashing. All I wanted was a response TC. That's all.

I did send you an email on Friday asking about what was going on. That is the only email I have not included in this thread. So as you can see I haven't heard from you since the middle of May, hence the new thread.

REDZMAN 06-06-2005 05:00 PM

No, this will be left open.

Tibbychick 06-06-2005 05:02 PM

Thank you.

I have not been online since I think Friday night. You probably emailed me yahoo account, which I dont check too often. If you had PMed me, I would have definetly seen it and responded. I simply didnt check teh yahoo account so I didnt know you emailed me. I wasnt ignoring you.

Its up to you what you want to do at this point. Again I will be able to afford to ship them out but not until a week from this coming friday. I earn about $300 per week. two checks a month I get to keep, two go to bills. There are so bills that I just havent been paying. My credit is destroyed.

But anyway, PM me and let me know.


01tibby 06-06-2005 05:02 PM

let the crazy ordeal TC has been through, along with all the people involved be a lesson for all. be careful with money guys.

fine, left open.

Tibbychick 06-06-2005 05:03 PM

REDZMAN, before you say that I owe you parts and havent sent them, Im waiting on you to send me a list.

Other than that Im also waiting on Zoned to send me a list.

Thats it for parts.

silvertibbs 06-06-2005 05:13 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Jun 6 2005, 07:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Thank you.

I have not been online since I think Friday night. You probably emailed me yahoo account, which I dont check too often. If you had PMed me, I would have definetly seen it and responded. I simply didnt check teh yahoo account so I didnt know you emailed me. I wasnt ignoring you.<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>

I never thought you were ignoring me. It's just the fact that there was no update or no anything.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Tibbychick @ Jun 6 2005, 07:02 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Its up to you what you want to do at this point. Again I will be able to afford to ship them out but not until a week from this coming friday. I earn about $300 per week. two checks a month I get to keep, two go to bills. There are so bills that I just havent been paying. My credit is destroyed.

But anyway, PM me and let me know.

<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>

I don't mind pm's but I was emailing you because your pm box was full, and you wanted them in emails instead. So I sent you another email just now. I'll also send you a pm.

This is not a bash, just stating a fact.

Tibbychick 06-06-2005 05:15 PM

My reason for not having money is because of the accident.

I had to come up with $2000 more than the insurance company gave me for the black tib to pay for the silver one. While still making monthly payments for the black one.

I was out of work for 3 months and got a measly $100 a month or so. I forget exactly how much.

So I sold parts to make money to pay the bills. I got in over my head, of course I realize this.

Then when I went back to work, it was a joke. I made barely $300 for two weeks. I could still barely pay the bills.

In the meatime, it seemed as if I was spending tons of money for parts for my car.

This is not true, because most parts I had from the black tib, others I bought cheap used from members here when I did get some extra cash.

Ive been borrowing and borrowing and borrowing from my poor mother and boyfriend.

Ive got a new job now but as awesome as the job is, it still doesnt pay enough. $300 a week. Ive been seriously condering stripping or other stuff like that to make some quick cash.

And I look at pictures of the black tib, when it was in its prime. It was there, so close to being done. But yet after all Ive been through I have no resolution. Maybe I'll get some lawsuit money in a year or so, but I cant depend on that. Not right now anyway. So Im forced to pick up the pieces myself and try to build a show car with every penny I find. Its tough, but I have to do it. Ive thought of selling it many times. Giving up. But I dont want to. I cant.

Its depressing most of the time but Im getting there.

I realize that none of you should have to suffer because of my shortcomings and bad luck. All I ask for is a little understanding and support. Ive tried to do whatever I can for this community. I dont ask for much in return.

Im really considering taking a break from the forums. Its up to you guys.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (silvertibbs @ Jun 6 2005, 11:13 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>I never thought you were ignoring me. It's just the fact that there was no update or no anything.
I don't mind pm's but I was emailing you because your pm box was full, and you wanted them in emails instead. So I sent you another email just now. I'll also send you a pm.

This is not a bash, just stating a fact.
<div align='right'><{POST_SNAPBACK}></div></div>

I know, I said not to PM me, but then everyone yelled at me for having my PM box full so I emptied it.

<span style="color:orange">MOD EDIT : I think you should take a break TC.</span>

Mad-Machine 06-06-2005 05:57 PM

Everybody in business gets themselves into a hole at least once. I realise that it sucks not to get your parts, but give the girl time, she is just getting back onto her feet. I have been on disability, took me years to get out of debt because of it.

My only suggestion Liz... back off on modding your car AT ALL until you get all the parts shipped. Also, you ever consider selling some of the parts you have left over from the other cars on ebay?

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