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peter_2150 05-26-2005 06:10 PM

Ok i dont complane that much nor do I let things get to me. But fo the past few days on the radio they are talking about this koran story. Now what is the big deal even if they did put it in the toilet. People disrespect of bible or tora(SP?) all the time and its art. But o no some guard MAY have mishandled the koran. I dont get it at all, we even protect people here in the US that burn the flag.

UltraTibby 05-26-2005 06:12 PM

Yeah its been all over the news. So what if one was flushed. I agree with you its not like every other religion hasnt had the same type of thing happen.

Mad-Machine 05-26-2005 06:17 PM

The differences is that the world is not full of rabid christian fundamentalists who riot at the thought that somebody disrepected their version of the word of god. When it was reported that somebody had flushed a quaran, it caused rioting that led to quite a few deaths. That part is newsworthy.

It is also newsworthy that the story may have been totally wrong. This is not the first time that writer has gotten in trouble for not duely checking his sources and getting a story compleatly arse backwards.

CyberShark 05-26-2005 06:21 PM

First time I've heard of the story, can someone elaborate more?

silvertibbs 05-26-2005 06:32 PM

Yeah what's the deal? I read today that al ZAQUEEREYE almost died and that the US has almost found him. Other than that. :huh:

REDZMAN 05-26-2005 06:34 PM

Someone send me a Koran, so I can wipe my ass with it.

What's funny is Foxnews was talking about this the other day and showed Al Queda training videos and documents that specificly state that IF you are taken hostage, you are to...

A. Attempt Suicide.

B. Attempt to talk to any Media.

If you can talk to the media, then you are to...

a. Claim abuse and torture from your captives to rally public opinion and further the cause.

b. Claim desecration of the Koran and religious opression to rally public opinion and further the cause.

The folks down there in Guantanamo Bay even have strict instructions and training on the Koran. They aren't to touch it. If they DO touch it it is to be with GLOVES ON, and to treat it as a ancient document, with utmost respect and care. They are only to take the Koran if offered it, not to mention anything about it, and NOT to allow it to be stored on the floor, or anywhere near the toilet.

UltraTibby 05-26-2005 07:00 PM

Wow those are some really strict rules. Guess it is better to be safe than sorry I guess.

BTW I must have missed that Fox news broadcast. Probably shouldnt be suprised that they would try and do something like that. Negitive propaganda always hits hard when you are at war.

CyberShark 05-26-2005 07:10 PM

Sounds like another attempt to spur anti American sentiment

Mad-Machine 05-26-2005 08:45 PM

I take anything reported by Fox with a grain of salt. There is a reason they are banned from the airwaves in the UK. They do not offer any sort of balanced reporting what-so-ever.

But, I have heard that the men in Cuba have receieved training in how to handle the koran. Wether they do it or not, is a different matter.

UltraTibby 05-26-2005 08:55 PM

Just saw the news. It seems that the person who brought up these alligations have dropped them. Not sure of the rest of the details but FYI.

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