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matmag89 05-15-2005 02:02 PM

It happened again, pulled over for careless driving, same cop same offense different parking lot smile.gif , My dad may have sold my Tiburon, if he did then Im gonna go buy a Datsun 510.

Oh well stupidity got the best of me again hopefully they dont pull my license, (probably will)...

Well heres my story, I was only going 30 through the mall parking lot went around a turn theres my friend the citizen patrol, he pulled me over,
my friend ran out of the car to see if the officer would chase after him, no luck,
according to him I was going fast as I could,LIAR, he called the cops on me. 6 of them came to help me out, Mutha F()ckin cop still (hes friends with my sisters b/friend) gave me a ticket,
Damnit, he called my parents, then he gave me the phone my mom dropped the f bomb on me plenty of time told me to go home, never did.
Drivin later that night stop at a stop sign thought that some one through a rock at my car then theirs my dad standing out my window, got my ass out there. Lost him in town,
drove to my friends house and hid there for the night, the next morning woke up went to the bathroom came back out theres my mom, wanted me to go home I refused, she left, I went home later that night, have yet to be punished.
-Friday the 13th- bad luck.

zoned019 05-15-2005 02:11 PM

i get confused when i read your should try to edit it and go into more detail. anyway, hope you get to keep your license and the tib!
bad luck~

97tibby 05-15-2005 02:15 PM

damn... that sucks, i thought i got careless for stupid reasons. Aka going 15-20mph in reverse and turning around fast.. big whoop tongue.gif Dang dude, thta sucks tho,hopefully u wont lose your car or license. Its hard not to try your car like you want 02.gif Gets to me everyday. Good luck.

01blacktib 05-15-2005 02:23 PM

you just have to be more careful that's all. if you really wanna f*(&k with your car, just find a deserted road, not a parking lot. i hope you don't lose it cuz you don't get it back for a while, but show some maturity, and your friend running probably really pissed the guy off. get some friends that won't be jackasses around you and make things worse for you

CyberShark 05-15-2005 04:13 PM

Damn that sucks but you have to be very responsible when driving, espcially if you have tickets already.

x7xstring 05-15-2005 04:29 PM

^^ What he said

UltraTibby 05-15-2005 04:49 PM

Yeah it sucks that this happened to you but it kinda sounds like you had it coming. If you drove your car correctly this wouldnt happen. I have 5 speeding tickets but NEVER have driven like that in a parking lot.

Mad-Machine 05-15-2005 05:30 PM

I have had my fair share of tickets.. but man, why do stuff like that in a parking lot? You never know what is going to happen in one of those places. From stuff on the asphalt, to people going slow and not knowing where they are going, to kids slipping between parked cars.. it is just not worth it.

Now for the good news... Unless that security guy can prove that you were "going as fast as you could" (that is over 120mph) without radar or even police training.. how is it going to stick? I suggest going to court after spending some money on a lawyer (about $500 last time I had to use one) and have it talked down to something that is a non-moving violation. Probably get "failure to respond to the directions of an officer" or something like that.

I agree though, having your friend bolt was a bad, I hope you give it to him. Not going home was worse though, not the most mature thing you did in a long list of immature things. Personally, if I was your father, I might not sell your car, but you would not get to drive it for a good six months.

OdessitPashka 05-15-2005 09:31 PM

I'm sorry, but you are stupid! Who drives 30mph at the mall's parking lot? Do you want to kill people around you?

You deserve that ticket!

MAD DISRESPECT!!!! :angry:

Role Reversal 05-15-2005 09:36 PM

wow sounds like some one has to learn the hard way? thats what you get for being a jack a$$

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